‘The Greatest LIE Ever Told is That Vaccines Are Safe and Effective.’
Americans and citizens all over need to understand that there is more than enough propaganda, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies available on the Internet to throw you off the trail if you don’t take the time to perform true due diligence and research this topic thoroughly.
How serious is it? Many nurses considered it serious enough to lose their jobs over it when they refused to get a vaccination so they could work at the hospital where they were employed. The bully tactics don’t end there.
In New York recently, the mayor and his henchmen declared a state of emergency over a few measles cases—yes MEASLES—and enacted a bill to enforce mandatory vaccinations of a predominantly Jewish community in Brooklyn with the MMR vaccine.
Fortunately, enough of them were educated about the hoax and filed a class action law suit to fight the unconstitutional tyranny.
How many people die from measles? Almost no one ever has. In fact, it gives us a good immunity.
How many people die or are seriously injured by vaccines? You don’t want to know. It’s criminal.
Let’s just say there have been so many that Big Pharma, the ones that manufacture the vaccines, had the government indemnify them for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.
Does the term “evil” come to mind?
We’re not talking about President Trump’s administration. This was the deep state/shadow government that made these laws; the same ones that want to take your guns. When the swamp is drained, these criminals will be dealt with. Until then, it’s up to each of us to educate and protect ourselves and our families from their dystopian agenda.
Dr. Joseph Mercola shared this on his website:
A U.S. Supreme Court decision has just given drug companies total liability protection for injuries and deaths caused by government mandated vaccines. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) called the decision a “betrayal” of the American consumer.
In a 6-2 decision, the Court majority voted to reject substantial evidence that current law was fully intended to protect an American’s right to sue a pharmaceutical corporation for injuries that could have been prevented if the company had elected to make a safer vaccine.
The court decision leaves parents with no way to hold vaccine makers accountable and no feasible way to get compensation for the injuries suffered by their children; furthermore, the decision removes all financial incentive for multi-national drug companies to make vaccines as safe as they can be. Source
Parents know when their completely normal child suddenly, within hours of getting a vaccination, changes or gets sick and never returns to the child they once were. Some have even died within hours of receiving a vaccine injection. Their little bodies have immature immune systems and can’t deal with the toxic ingredients we know are in these concoctions.
Many of the parents living this nightmare warn others, but YouTube, Google, Facebook and others stifle that material so people trying to research the topic and search for answers can’t easily find the truth. That’s why we keep publishing it.
We strongly suggest you do not get a vaccination or vaccinate your child until you have thoroughly researched the topic for yourself. The damage usually seems to be irreversible. We hope that will soon change, because what vaccines have done to families is horrific.
These two dads in the video below with vaccine damaged children tell it like it is from their experience—and luckily, their children are on the mild side of the autism spectrum, not full-blown. Many others were not so fortunate.
The second video shows that the media and Big Pharma are in each others’ pockets, so you can’t rely on the legacy media to tell you the truth.
We also know that some doctors get very large sums of money and perks from pharmaceutical companies for pushing their drugs. They don’t care about you or your children. It’s about greed and eugenics, as unbelievable as that may sound—but I’ve done my research.
Another trusted and recommended resource: (previously de-platformed from Twitter for speaking the truth)
The measles outbreak is a massive false flag; nearly all outbreaks are caused by infected migrants, not American children
And Dr. Mercola’s wife, Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News, brings us these headlines:
U.S Navy Acknowledges: MMR Vaccine Caused Viral Mumps Outbreak
A serious question: When will the first “vaccine enforcers” be shot by parents defending their children against the felony assault of forced immunizations?
If none of this or the following convinces you that you need to research deeply, consider that over 90 doctors ( I believe it’s 93 now) involved with vaccine research have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years.
The greedy, evil policy-makers are ruthless and do not value Human life. ~ BP
Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 90 Dead
Don’t let this video title fool you. It’s loosely related. We have to play games now so truth tellers don’t have their videos removed by YouTube.
NBC Didn’t Want You To Catch This. Share & Expose Them
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Measles Transmitted By the Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers ConfirmFebruary 5, 2015In “The Illuminati Plan”
The Vaccine Psyop in New York: Forced Vaccinations for ADULTS, PREGNANT Women and Children for Fabricated Measles Epidemic or $1000 Fine April 13, 2019In “Current Updates”
US Government Plans to Force Vaccinations on All Adults; My Weekend RantFebruary 21, 2015In “The Illuminati Plan”This entry was posted in What’s Happening in Medicine and tagged advertising, autism, big pharma, Brooklyn, child abuse, constitution, damages, dangers, death, Eli Lilly, hoax, holistic doctors, Jewish Community, law suits, liability, mainstream media, mandatory vaccinations, measles, Merck, MMR, mysteryous deaths, New York, nurses, Pfizer, shadow government, Supreme court, suspicious, transhumanism, truth, tyranny, vaccines.
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I’m a Canadian freelance writer. As a writer, I love to share knowledge in ways that allow me to play with words. As a Lightworker, I love to share knowledge that enlightens, removes fear, inspires and brings positive anticipation to the reader. This is the most exciting time in humanity’s history to be alive, and I hope my readers will agree once they know what I know to be Truth.View all posts by Starship Earth: The Big Picture →
- Lisa Tully says:April 29, 2019 at 6:04 PMhah as soon as I write you and go back again to top now I can see your updated post, someone is listening…Reply
- Lisa Tully says:April 29, 2019 at 6:00 PMThey(rats) are hiding your blog again BP uggg, I can only find your post today 29th on my e mail, when I click to go to top again shows only 28th post from yeaterdayReply
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