May 5th-Starship Earth

Sunday Digest for May 5, 2019: Agitation is Setting In [videos]
It may be a race to see whose heads explode first: the patriots’ or the psychopaths’.
It seems “the movie” is getting old. The education of the masses, the management of the snoozers is a little too much for some of the patriots. I can’t even watch the high drama with Pelosi, Clinton, Comey, Obama, Schiff, Nadler, and the rest any more. It’s just disgusting.
A few patriots are sounding the alarm. Mike Adams and Douglas Ducote are very concerned for the safety of the President and the lawless tactics of Big Tech, the media, and the lunatic left. When well-connected guys like this are issuing warnings, you have to sit up and take notice.
Mike’s appeal is well worth a listen (or read) if you missed it the other day.
President Trump must seize and shut down the techno-fascists, journo-terrorists and domestic enemies who are censoring conservatives and patriots
I couldn’t watch Adams’ video on my iPad because Apple censored it, as he said they did. These Silicon Valley tech giants have FAR too much power and they’re out of control.
I couldn’t do anything with my PC today until I went through the Microsoft screens on the “new privacy policy” and accepted their corrupt terms. Like I believe anything they say.
The Starship crew (in Germany, specifically) tells me they are not able to access all our articles due to censorship there. Censorship is a BIG problem that must be addressed.
Ducote does a synopsis in the video below to bring us up to speed on the big picture in the 2-year Washington circus to date, and then at the 9 minute mark he drops the bomb.
The delusional left are inciting representatives in a dozen or so states to remove Donald Trump’s name from the 2020 election ballot! I’m speechless. Four states already made that attempt and it failed, he says.
Breaking News: Coup Attempt Underway To Remove Trump!
Both Adams and Ducote mention possible uprisings by the American people—guns in hand—to protect their duly elected President, Donald Trump. They feel the patriots are at that point now.
I’ve heard it said that there are millions of Americans who don’t wear MAGA hats, don’t go to rallies, don’t sport bumper stickers or share their political views on Twitter, Facebook or around the water cooler, but they are there. They voted for President Trump and they’ll be voting for him again—but in greater numbers than in 2016.
As Mike pointed out, however, the Conservatives are lawful people. They would not take up arms unless they got the call to duty from the Commander-in-Chief. But what if the Commander-in-Chief were suddenly incapacitated? What then?
I think it’s clear that President Trump will win the election by a landslide in 2020 and the psychopaths know it. We need to ensure the President is protected. The alternative would be disastrous for America, and hence, the rest of the world.
Mike Adams made it clear in his article above what some of the dark’s objectives are.
We also hear headlines like, “Hillary Clinton is running for President Again in 2020 and Nobody Knows It”. That’s a very interesting theory—and probably not outside the realm of possibility.
SerialBrain2 tells us that the direct threat to Trump’s safety was neutralized in the past, but new threats might arise. I hope Q and the gang really do know what they’re doing, because they’re pushing folks on both sides of the war to the brink of hysteria—and we won’t even get into Venezuela or Gaza and the escalating violence there. They seem like impossible situations.
The suspicious events unfolding have increased. There are an inordinate number of “chemical plant” fires in America; another one on Friday night. A crew member tells us there was a similar event at a “recycling plant” in Melbourne last week. Coincidence?
The suspicious Boeing 737 crashes continue, as well. I noticed that the breaking news made a point of saying it was NOT a MAX8, as previous crashes were. However…The Dreaded “drill” in JacksonvilleDid you catch that paragraph at the end of the Fox coverage of the Boeing 737 from Guantanamo that Jim Stone linked?Jacksonville Fire and Rescue tweeted that approximately 90 personnel responded to the scene, and that the department’s special operations team had just trained with marine units for such an incident earlier Friday.People call us conspiracy theorists but it’s always the same. We know the drill.The moment the television media broadcast that a Boeing 737 from Guantanamo landed in the drink I suspected a deep state event and went looking for more information online.As I was writing the above, RT popped in with this headline, another horrific airline incident with multiple deaths…
Plane consumed by HUGE FIRE at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport (VIDEOS)
This latest update that just came out at 12:44 pm Pacific may indicate one objective:
Terrifying footage that appears to be shot from right inside the burning half of the Russian Superjet-100 that crash-landed in flames in Moscow has emerged online. Source
And now this…
Superjet-100 plane JUMPED UP, hit ground, BURST its engines during landing – leaked CCTV footage
I’m sure the alt media sleuths will be checking out who ‘Breaking Mash’ character is because to put that on social media serves no purpose other than to terrify people as they did by sharing the footage from Christchurch, New Zealand. It’s terrorism in itself to publish this with the intent to frighten people. Who takes footage like that when your plane is engulfed in flames? Very suspicious.
For those getting up to speed, there are many who have the expertise to tear apart the official narrative of the downing of most planes. The general public do not understand the ruthless, evil nature of the psychopaths who have been running this planet and struggle to maintain their stranglehold on Humanity. They think these events are “accidents” or that “Russia did it”.
They probably think Mike Adams is a fear-mongerer or delusional. He gets good information from solid sources, as does former law enforcement/military man Doug Ducote. There are those fully aware of “the agenda” and they tell us what the ultimate plan is/was to expunge Humanity.
We know for a fact that the globalists will pull a plane out of the sky without batting an eye. The crew shared this older journalism from Jim Stone regarding the Germanwings plane that went down.
We’re not all stupid, and we’re not all buying the lies and lame coverups. The Guantanamo flight on Friday night might very well have been a nasty plan that failed due to Divine intervention. We just don’t believe in coincidences any more.
How do we wake up the flock? One crew member stated we need to stop airbrushing the situation in America and call it what it is: a “regime change”. The old guard is being replaced, but the snoozers don’t get it. They think it’s just more sleazy American politics.
They don’t understand that the conspiracy all along has been to enslave, subjugate, and prey on Humanity. When we began to get out of control they super-charged their eugenics and slaughtering of the sheep techniques. They’re in high gear now.
President Trump shared his vision for the “movement” to Make America Great Again because that is what the American public can embrace. They will get behind that. The language is very important.
Are they ready to hear “regime change”? After the Mueller Report/AG Barr circus perhaps they are prepped to hear the situation defined that way. The seem unfazed by the term “deep state” now.
Unfortunately, many consider it normal for Presidents to be assassinated—for coups to unfold at the whim of the extremists, and they certainly don’t get the spiritual nature of the war. Good vs. evil would go right over their heads. They don’t believe satanists rule the world and the ultimate battle is unfolding.
This time it’s definitely different. The Light did not underestimate the dark. They left nothing to chance, chose where their main offense would be and accepted that there would be collateral damage. There’s no other way to do it and it requires nerves of steel and sublime patience.
If you want to keep an uninformed populace from coming apart at the seams, you can’t free a planet overnight. Neither can you be cavalier about describing what’s happening when a) you don’t control the media and b) when the public has no idea what the reality is and to say too much too soon would either put them in a catatonic state or cause mass fear, chaos and suicide. There’s no easy way to do this.
Americans think it’s all about them. The treasonous media doesn’t show them the Yellow Vest protests in multiple nations, the forced migration, rapes and violent attacks by Muslim extremists in those countries, mandatory vaccination attempts in Australia and Germany, the starving people in revolt in Venezuela, the “loonie” crime minister Justin Turdeau in Canada, the armies of illegal immigrants threading their way up to the Mexican/US border to seek their “dreams”, and they certainly don’t know they are infiltrated with programmed automatons who may be triggered to do unspeakable things to the citizens of America.
They won’t even accept that 9/11 was an “inside job” and don’t understand false flag terrorism. Like this.
Media Blackout: Former NBC Producer Threatened To Blow Up San Diego Church On Easter Sunday
Shane Trejo at Big League Politics points out that she was apparently very troubled, possibly even possessed from my assessment.
“Possessed”. Interesting terminology.
I wonder how our friends in Germany will respond to this. They rolled out a similar plan in Australia and the globalists are getting very aggressive in this regard. Kudos to the people of New York for fighting those tyrannical machinations by Mayor DeBlasio and co.
Germany considers fining parents over $2,700 if they don’t vaccinate children
Many unwary Americans also bought the vaccine “shame campaign” hook, line and sinker and run around telling anti-vaxxers who protect their children that they’re selfish and risking the health of others.
They believe and parrot what they hear the lamestream media say and don’t know how to research on the Internet. They don’t understand that the top returns in a search are all deep state-approved sites running the narrative lies.
Mainstream Media Now Calling for the Arrest of “Antivaxxers”
Bombshell Flashback: Merck FAKED mumps vaccine research, released faulty vaccine that didn’t work, say virologists in False Claims Act filing
It’s frustrating to know what we know and be so hampered in sharing the truth with those who exist in a false reality, and sometimes you just have to step away to maintain your sanity.
This piece allows the humour in the situation to shine through. I didn’t watch much of the AG Barr hearing but apparently the dimms referred to him multiple times as “general”. And they think we’re stupid.
This man is no general
Rosenstein a hero? We knew there would be (and have been) some delicious plot twists. This one keeps coming back. Did RR exit stage right because his supporting role was over?
Rod Rosenstein: Hero
Is there hope for America waking up?
Bars are bars. Put them in a zoo and make some big bucks!
Bill and Hillary’s Tour Fails Horribly, Ticket Prices Plummet to $2 Because Nobody Likes Them Now
As the swamp drains…
Democrat Consultant Gets 18 Months Behind Bars for Election Primary Scheme
“Guilty, your honor” – Former St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger answers pay to-play indictment
Judge Jeanine: Dems have turned into an angry, unreasonable mob
Joe diGenova: Comey memos constitute a ‘suicide note’
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 Alive and Well in California
We have exposed the globalists’ Agenda 21/2030 plan to control Californians (and all areas of America) to corral the sheep in strictly defined areas, virtually living on top of one another in “stack and pack” communities.
They keep rolling out their plans with fires to burn out the residents, preventing them from returning to their homes, turning off electricity at will and blaming it on “high winds”, then steering rainstorms in to flood the treeless hills… and the bulk of Californians don’t seem to feel targeted or that they need to get into high gear and address the situation.
Their elections are rigged and the crime families are solidifying their assault on the People, inviting in sick, unvetted, illegal aliens to their ‘sanctuary state’ and we have to wonder if the People in general are awake to anything.
How will they respond to legislation urging them to convert their single-family dwellings to fourplexes and have their single-family neighbourhoods full of apartments? (full of illegal aliens?) North Carolina has apparently discussed the same.
While some folks feel it’s not mandatory… it makes sense… it’s not a big deal—it’s the very gradual creep they hope no one will object to that always snowballs into the later phases of their agenda because they use terms like “sustainability” and “biodiversity” that apparently put Humans in a trance and remove their ability to think critically. What the hell does the UN have to do with land use in America?
The New World Order just needs to get their foot in the door and they patiently wait for the final phase to manifest; where Humans live where they’re told in tiny boxes, with no property to their name, no personal transportation, and are restricted to areas where they’re told they can go like all good livestock. They know who and where everyone is thanks to implants. It’s not living. It’s hell.
The bulk of the countryside is reserved, controlled, and enjoyed by the globalists. That’s the plan, and they’re implementing it.
Ocasio-Cortez already revealed the Green New Deal to ban airline travel and the internal combustion engine. Where do you think they’re going with that? It’s all part of the plan. Public transportation approved by the government only.
Keep the cattle confined; out of sight, out of mind. Slaves to serve the masters.
Holy cow! California may get rid of single-family zoning
It’s a good thing time goes fast because it will take time to resolve all of this. Lots of time. ~ BP