Monthly Archive: April 2019

EIR Daily Alert Service, TUESDAY, April 2, 2019

NASA’s Bridenstine Affirms Moon-Mars Program Is ‘Once in a Lifetime Opportunity’ Trump Planning Next Steps in North Korea Dialogue Yang Jiechi Updates Belt and Road Achievement, with 40 State Leaders To Attend Forum Japan’s...

Natural News

How President Trump can stop the border invasion without spending a dime The United States Constitution specifically describes a national self-defense system that can be activated by the government to “repel invasions,” which is...

A Message From Kevin Annett

Dear friends, A simple way you can educate the public and take direct action against the churches that kill and traffic children is by signing and posting these online petitions (note: pdf hard copy...

Global Conflict Imminent!

My Comment: The ‘Jews’ own all sides of these conflicts and they will make a ton of blood money. Let’s not forget the Chinese/Russian allies such as African nations, Middle Eastern countries definitely Turkey...

6 Suicides at United Nation’s Legal Service (NWO Command Center)

 AUTHOR`S NAMECONTRIBUTOR SUBMISSION 17.03.2019 22:14 A suicide at Juncker’s court WORLD » EUROPE  “Laura Pignataro committed suicide on December 17th. This senior official of the European Commission’s legal service had been forced to defend the unprepared appointment...

Dirty Dealing Done By Zionist Treasury Secretary Mnuchin

US Treasury takes control of Siberia Russia » Economics  The US Treasury and Russian entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska concluded a deal to lift sanctions from his companies in violation of the Russian legislation. This is a dangerous...