Monthly Archive: April 2019

EIR Daily Alert Service, MONDAY, April 15, 2019

Trump Heartily Endorses Barr Investigation of Spying on Campaign Trump-Moon Meeting Is Positive on North Korea, as Trump Thanks Russia, China for Their Role Malaysia’s Dr. Mahathir Has Renegotiated the East-West Rail Development with...

Typical of Pro Disarming Americans, This illuminati puppet Congresswoman Has Armed Security Around Her and Owns a Gun-Kamala Harris (Pictured is Another Hypocrite-Hillary Clinton)

HYPOCRITE: Kamala Harris Owns a Gun for ‘Personal Safety’  April 14, 2019  Lionel Parrott  3 Comments According to Harris, her career as a prosecutor made the gun purchase a necessity… Kamala Harris (screen shot: MSNBC/Youtube) (Lionel...

Shows who really runs the world

Alex Jones is Getting Worried About the ZIONISTS so Interviewed Ye Alex Jones Defends Zionism, Kushner and Netanyahu By infostormer -April 13, 20194 Alex Jones did a recent interview where he defended Zionism, Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu. He also deflected the idea that we have a problem...