Typical of Pro Disarming Americans, This illuminati puppet Congresswoman Has Armed Security Around Her and Owns a Gun-Kamala Harris (Pictured is Another Hypocrite-Hillary Clinton)

HYPOCRITE: Kamala Harris Owns a Gun for ‘Personal Safety’

 April 14, 2019  Lionel Parrott  3 Comments

According to Harris, her career as a prosecutor made the gun purchase a necessity…

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Kamala Harris (screen shot: MSNBC/Youtube)

(Lionel Parrott, Liberty Headlines) Anti-gun Democrat and presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, says she owns a gun for personal protection.

Harris made the revelation to reporters after campaigning in Iowa, according to the Associated Press.

“I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety,” said the senator. She said that Americans “are being offered a false choice, which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.”

According to Harris, her career as a prosecutor made the gun purchase a necessity. Harris served as a district attorney, then California Attorney General before her election to the U.S. Senate in 2016.

It isn’t the first time Sen. Harris has appeared hypocritical when it comes to the issue of personal safety. The Gun Owners of California website reported that Harris had Los Angeles police officers fly to San Francisco to serve as her personal security detail during a gay pride parade she attended (the officers were obviously armed).

In fact, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers have served as security for Harris at a number of events.

“Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party,” reported NBC Los Angeles. “The LAPD routinely provides security for dignitaries and officials visiting LA, but a senior retired department official said the courtesy extended to Sen. Harris for her travels to other cities was unprecedented.”

Harris said she supports “smart gun safety laws” like universal background checks. She also wants to see passage of the bill renewing the assault weapons ban.

The legislation Harris referred to is sponsored by her fellow California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and would ban dozens of commonplace semi-automatic weapons, including the AR-15 and all magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. A state law in California banning high-capacity magazines was struck down last week.

A campaign aide to Harris said she is a responsible gun owner and keeps it locked up. The weapon she owns is a handgun that the aide says was purchased several years back.

“We have got to have smart gun safety laws in this country, and we’ve got to stop buying this false choice,” Harris said at a recent CNN town hall. You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in this civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers.”

Harris made her most recent comments at a house party in Iowa attended by members of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America.

The group is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun control advocacy group in the country.

Based on the average of national polling for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Harris appears to be roughly tied for third place with former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke.

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