Monthly Archive: January 2019


  1940: WHY DID HITLER INVADE BELGIUM & HOLLAND?  By Mike King  THE SETTING Eight months have passed since the Allied powers of Britain & France had declared war against Germany for its justified invasion of...

Natural News

Alert: Trump likely to declare national emergency at 9pm tonightSources are telling me that President Trump has already declared a national emergency on paper, and he will invoke executive powers to designate emergency funding to...

Israel is the TRUE ‘M-F&er’

Tlaib Tabs Israel As True ‘M-F*er’By Brother Nathanael KapnerJanuary 6, 2019 ©___________________________________ “WE’RE GOING TO GO IN and impeach the motherf*er,” avowed Rashida Tlaib to cheering supporters at a MoveOn event Thursday night in DC. (brutalproof admin Comment:...

The Horror Story Called Brazil

AUTHOR`S NAMETIMOTHY BANCROFT-HINCHEY 26 JUL 2018 AT 17:49 The horror story called Brazil: Murder and destruction SCIENCE » PLANET EARTH  The horror story called Brazil22COMMENTS11SHARE Those who know Brazil speak highly of a fine country with friendly...

China Preparing For War

Home Articles Books About me Contact China Preparing for War 7Published by  Stephen Lendman at  January 6, 2019Categories Tags 22  4  0  China Preparing for War by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) China has been at peace with neighboring states...