The pullout of US troops represents a concrete danger for Israel, as the Assad forces and the Iranians will have full control over Syria and thus can deliver weapons from Iran through Iraq to Syria and then to Lebanon and with nothing in between to stop them
ed note–And, once again, time for another episode of ‘we told ya so folks’…
Now, in as much as all the usual suspects are either as silent as death or else are chirping their usual nonsense that Trump’s recent decision to pull all US troops out of Syria is all ‘a trick’ whose intended end result is to somehow set in motion a series of events that results in him launching simultaneous wars against Iran, Russia, Turkey, Syria, China, etc, in accordance with what his ‘masters’ have ordered him to do, nothing of the sort is even remotely true, partial proof of which is the following piece appearing in the Washington Times, which, more than any other outlet within the clutches of Judea Inc, represents the voice of Zion and of the ‘Deep State’.
Now, why Trump has decided–against the counsel of his military and intelligence advisors–to pull out now and with (what appears to be) a measurable amount of both haste and panic is up for debate. It may be the first of several moves he has decided to put into motion to let his enemies who are attempting to bring down his administration know that the days of ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ are over, or it may be something even more potentially troubling than that related to coming problems on the home front, which could very well include martial law. In the end, given what is taking place at this very moment vis a vis Mueller and what are all the legal mechanisms being employed in trying to bring about a coup d’etat against a President who has decided that he is going to do what is necessary in securing American interests, it is somewhere between probable and definite that if Trump plans to stay in the game for the long haul he is going to have to resort to drastic measures such as the aforementioned martial law, a fact that has been alluded to by his own enemies in recent pieces they have published.
Either way, the (painful) lesson that is to be learned from this latest development is that what some believed was a ‘movement’ born after 9/11 representing a Gentile awakening to the nature of the danger posed to all life on earth vis a vis the eternal menace was/is a fairy tale that possesses no more discernment than did those Americans on the morning of 9/11 who bought into all the ‘Ahab the Ay-rab’ business and foolishly signed on to the clash of civilizations for the benefit of organized Jewry. The ‘muuvmnt’ that has now enlisted itself in the services of the very same enemy it claims to oppose by adding its voices to those working feverishly to stop Trump are just as dumb and easily led by its own collective emotionalism as were/are the Americans who never for a moment stopped and reconsidered what really happened on 9/11 and said to themselves ‘hmmmmm…..’
The one hope for Israel is that perhaps the Pentagon can take its time wrapping up the Syria operations while the Trump administration is busy wading through it legal entanglements.
ed note–The writer of this essay, Victoria Nuland, is the very same Nuland who is the wife of arch-NeoCon Robert Kagan, one of the chief architects of the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ for Israel’s benefit and–like Jennifer Rubin–a proud member of Satan’s harem.
ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…
The author of piece, Jennifer Rubin–
Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress, proud member of Satan’s harem and NeoCon Israel firster who played an indispensable role in ‘selling’ Americans into drinking the koolaid by signing away their tax money, freedoms, and the blood of their children in the form of George Bush’s ‘war on terror’, otherwise known as the ‘clash of civilizations’ between Christianity and Islam. She–working alongside confreres with names such as Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Charles Krauthammer, David Frum, Eliot Cohen, etc–have been relentless in their attempt at ‘selling’ the American people into drinking the koolaid AGAIN in the form of impeaching/removing an American President who is pushing for a resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian situation and who has made it clear that he wants no more wars for Israel.
We are forced to point this out due to the depressingly-high percentage of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 truth movement’, who find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–
Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave per the desires and demands of the other guy in the picture, Bibi Netanyahu, looking at him with obvious great interest and with grand plans in his eyes…
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–
Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.