Paris Climate Accords = Marxism/Communism Rothschild-British Empire Style Via Puppets
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Unknown to 30-something Generation X-ers and late teen / 20-something millennials, forty long years have passed since the thankfully-deceased Stanford University Professor and international Global Warming ™ guru, Stephen Schneider, (cough cough) converted (in an instant!) from the ice-age-ism which was the “scientific consensus” ™of its day, to “Greenhouse Effect” alarmism — which soon became the new “scientific consensus” ™ of the day. An understanding of the sudden switch, along with the historical scope of the hoax, would cause the house of marked cards to collapse in an instant — which is why Sulzberger’s Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press / Fake News have erased both the memory of the 1970’s ice-age scare, and the 40-year record of failed doom and gloom “warming” predictions. But that’s why The Anti-New York Times is here — to give “youse guys” (New Jerseyese for the plural of “you”) the hidden history that the Globalists have flushed down the memory hole. Correct the past, and the present will correct itself. ![]() ![]() ![]() 1. Unearthed video from 1978: the famous Stephen Schneider (and other “climate experts”) caught on an episode of “In Search Of” — the title: “The Coming Ice Age” (here) // 2. Just one year later, 1979, Schneider had become a warmist alarmist! (video here)
Only by concealing that bit of history from the non-inquisitive mind of Boobus Americanus can “the paper of record” and its cherry-picked, government-funded “scientists” get away with peddling the same old recycled garbage (with a new twist about “wildfires” now) year after year, decade after decade. Some oh-so-scary excerpts from the article (with a few personal observations in red italics):
“The Trump White House, which has defined itself by a willingness to dismiss scientific findings (fake science) … on Friday issued a scientific report that directly contradicts its own climate-change policies.” “The 1,656-page (fallacy of verbosity & complexity) National Climate Assessment, which is required by Congress, is the most comprehensive scientific study to date detailing the effects of global warming on the United States economy, public health, coastlines and infrastructure. It describes in precise detail (the “precise” predictions have been wrong for 40 years!) how the warming planet (existential fallacy — the planet isn’t even warming at this time)will wreak hundreds of billions of dollars of damage in coming decades.” (for four decades now, doomsday has always been projected for “the coming decades”)
“President Trump has often questioned or mocked the basic science of human-caused climate change, and is now working aggressively to encourage the burning of coal and the increase of greenhouse gas pollution.” (plant food is not “pollution”) “Under a 1990 law, the federal government is required to issue the climate assessment every four years.” (so of course, the kept “scientists” are going to publish what they were hired to publish!)
“I’m watching these arguments between politicians and scientists, but I’m on the ground with public works officials who say that argument’s irrelevant,” Mr. Chinowsky said. “People are going to get hurt and die if we don’t change the policy.” (Oh the bloody drama!)
![]() ![]() ![]() 1940: The Arctic was warming // 1970’s: The Ice Age was coming // Today: They claim, falsely, that it is warming again
There is simply no exaggerating the importance of the Global Warming TM / Climate Change TM hoax to The New World Order crowd. If the control freaks of the world ever get their system of international “carbon taxes” embedded into the cost of the goods and services which we peasants rely upon just to live even the most basic lifestyle; the mass misery and associated dependency could be ratcheted up, at will, by these sons of Satan. We’re seeing it already with the cruel taxes be levied on fuel in Maricon’s (not a typo) France.
Had that Communist harridan (a $10 word for a bossy old hag) been elected president in 2016, we would already be experiencing the pain intended by the “Paris Climate Accords.” With the machinery of voter fraud at her disposal, Killary would have pushed the agenda as hard and as far as she dared without any fear of an electoral backlash. Who among the Republican’ts would have opposed “the first woman president” in her demonic quest to impose carbon taxes? John McStain? Paul Ryan? Ha!
Say what you will about Donald Trump — but right now, he and his generals are the only thing standing between us and world government through carbon taxes based on a HOAX.
![]() ![]() ![]() Imagine Killary, The Frumpy Frau and the Faggy Frenchman working together to implement the Paris Climate Accords across the world.
My Comment: Plants need carbon dioxide to grow and many mammals eat plants. These hoaxers want to make billions of dollars on this hoax!* ![]() Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump’s own scientists issued a very gloomy assessment on Climate Change. Boobus Americanus 2: Trump will just ignore the problem, just like he ignores the assessments of his own intelligence agencies.
Sugar: It’ss all Deep Sstate bullsshit, Boobuss — and you’re buyin’ it!
Editor: Most adults still doubt this stuff — but it is the kids who have been coming up through the schools that worry me. At some point, this international criminal hoax has got to be busted open.