Admin: Crooked Special Counsel Mueller represents Criminal Rothschild Zionist Cabal not the American Public.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is now in mortal peril.
ed note–yes, it has become a bit repetitious and tedious, but unfortunately, there are still a sizable number of ‘experts’ out there who still don’t get it and who flood the comments section of this website on a daily basis with their own particular and peculiar brand of nonsense and therefore in the interests of being thorough, we’re going to ‘do it’ once again–
The author of this piece, David Frum–

Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster and who is closely aligned with this guy–

Eliot Cohen, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Bill Kristol, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this guy–

Paul Wolfowitz, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Robert Kagan, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster,

…As well as his portly brother, who are both aligned with this guy–

Max Boot, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this gal, Jennifer Rubin

A lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress and NeoCon Israel firster, and who is aligned with this guy–

…That is, before he recently died and went to hell…
And who are all deeply, DEEPLY plugged into Israel’s Likud party, Israel’s intelligence apparatus and who were all in some way intimately involved not only with the events of 9/11, but as well, the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that followed, better known as the ‘war on terror’.
In addition to this, they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump impeached, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.
Also keep in mind, that an entire gaggle of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 truth movement’, find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–

Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Just try doing the math on that one…
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–
Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.
Remember, as pertains the recent news that Rod Rosenstein, the ‘Godfather’ of the Mueller Probe who once said he was planning on surreptitiously tape recording Trump in the interests of getting’ dirt on him’ that could be used in impeaching him, Frum (and his NeoCon associates who want Trump out NOW and replaced with Pence) is doing nothing less than sounding an existential alarm as to the possibility that Mueller’s probe may come to an end as a result of this and that the warmongers will be forced to go back to square one in finding another avenue by which Trump can be removed and replaced with Pence who (they hope) will be more war compliant.
Yes, it is very tedious, being forced to go through all of this on an almost-daily basis, but what we are talking about here is war, and in the same manner as it was necessary (although in large part a total waste of time) to try and make an entire gaggle of half-sane people who had bought into the Sandy Hook Hoax nonsense understand what kind of Titanic mistake they were making, nevertheless, in the interests of aiding future historians tasked with studying this time period, we do this in the interests of showing that there was a handful of people who didn’t drink the ‘troother’ koolaid on this one and maintained some sane level of independent thinking. Read more of this post