Orthodox pilgrim in Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Ukraine. Photo by Petar Milošević. Wikimedia Commons.
Only a few White Christian nations have suffered as much under the heel of satanic treachery as has Ukraine. In the 20th century Ukraine was trampled under foot by Russian and German armies in two major wars. In between the two wars, it was ravaged in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, its population decimated by both the results of the victory of Jewish Communism and then by the famines of the Holodomor during the forced Soviet collectivization in the 1930’s. The second German occupation was seen by many native Ukrainians as a liberation from their Soviet Jewish oppressors, although it was sadly short-lived. Today, many Ukrainians still hope for that same liberation.
Ukraine is about 78% Ukrainian, 17% Russian and the balance is made up mostly of Tatars, while there are some Poles, Romanians and others in the various border areas. But those general numbers are deceiving. The Russians and Tatars are concentrated along the eastern border, and mostly in the Crimea, which is perhaps 65% Russian and practically 100% Russophone. Russians in the Crimea may consider themselves as natives now, however most of them settled there during the Soviet era when the region was an important asset to Soviet military interests. Basically, the Russians gained the Crimea through Tsarist and then Soviet imperialism, and the land is not even contiguous to Russia – at least presently. Therefore, since a Russian government gave Crimea over to Ukraine over 60 years ago, and it is contiguous to Ukraine, present Russian claims to the Crimea are of less substance than Mexican claims to southern California, although the results of a referendum in either place are inevitable. The pre-Soviet inhabitants of Crimea, who are ethnic Tatars, oppose pro-Russian political parties and have supported Ukrainian nationalists, although Tatars are certainly not Ukrainian.
Some may argue that Ukrainians and Russians have a common origin and history in the tribes of the ancient Rus, which is true. However it is only true of true Russians, and a great number of the inhabitants of the geographical area now known as Russia are not true Russians. Not even all eastern Slavs can claim to be of the ancient Rus. Regardless, Russian claims to any part of Ukraine based upon a common tribal ancestry would afford German claims to England, and the nations which sprung from English colonies, since the Angles and Saxons originally came from Germany! In other words, such claims are also absurd.
Yet the Russians in Ukraine have been of great service to the Russian government and certain other elements in Russia over the decades. They have been used as an excuse for Russian intervention in Ukrainian affairs, for the violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. But they have also been used to balkanize the nation, which does not have a free press, to keep it under the control of a cabal of politicians who also happen to be “businessmen”, and are popularly called “oligarchs”, most of whom are highly favorable to Russia and have close ties to other such “oligarchs” in Russia.
It is probably not possible to accurately determine the number of Jews in Ukraine, by either race or religion. However it is possible to tell how many of Ukraine’s multimillionaires and billionaires are Jews, and that figure is very high. Here is some food for thought. Theoretically, with a communist government, the people themselves are the owners of all property, and therefore the use of that property is regulated by the State on behalf of the people as a whole. Therefore, when a communist government dissolves and the property of the people is privatized, the property would be expected to be divested or divided on behalf of its rightful owners, the people. Yet when Ukraine was transformed into a so-called democracy, a handful of Jews, Russians, and other alleged businessmen, some of them Ukrainian and many of them not, were transformed into multimillionaires and billionaires while the Ukrainian people were saddled with debt. All of this can be demonstrated to be true in many readily attainable books and articles. The names of Jews such as Semion Mogilevich, Dmytro Firtash, Hryhoriy Surkis, Vadim Rabinovich, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Viktor Pinchuk, Vadim Novinsky, Yuriy Ivanyushchenko, Vasily Khmelnitsky, Andriy and Serhiy Klyuyev and Henadii Boholiubov are a good place to start.
Among other so-called Ukranian oligarchs who are suspected of being Jews while claiming other non-Ukrainianorigins are the Tatar Rinat Akhmetov and the “Latvian” Yulia Tymoshenko. Others who have Jewish ethnic roots claim to be of different religions, or admit to no religion at all, such as Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Petro Poroshenko. Even the super-rich among Ukrainians who are apparently Ukrainian are soiled with ostensibly foreign interests. For instance, it is well known that Viktor Medvedchuk has had close ties to the KGB since attending law school in the early 1970’s, where he failed to meet the requirements on his own and was admitted after KGB intervention.
Many of these super-rich so-called Ukrainians were first involved in politics in the days of the old Soviet bureaucracy, and then suddenly became wealthy and successful “businessmen”. Many of them also actively hold seats in the nation’s parliament, and have had such a role in running Ukraine ever since the Soviet Union dissolved. These are not businessmen who became active in politics out of civic concern, but rather they are former Communist party hacks who became businessmen because they were in a position to loot the nation as it should have been recovering from Communist economic stagnation. They stay involved in politics in order to ensure that they can keep their ill-gotten fortunes, and their direct involvement in the government of Ukraineassures that they can continue to pillage the country.
The first president of Ukraine was Leonid Kravchuk, a Communist Party politician all his life. After leaving office, Kravchuk joined a business and political group known as Kiev Holding or the Dynamo Group. This group, led by oligarchs Viktor Medvedchuk and Hryhoriy Surkis, was formally organized as the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine. Despite its formal centrist/social-democratic slogans, the party is widely associated with big business, organized crime, corruption, and media bias. This party has been marginalized since the Orange Revolution, but that does not mean that Medvedchuk and Hryhoriy Surkis are marginalized. Medvedchuk, who has personal ties to Vladimir Putin, is currently the chairman of another pro-Russian party, ironically called Ukrainian Choice. Surkis ran unsuccessfully for the parliament with another party in 2006 but remains an influential figure.
The second president of Ukraine was Leonid Kuchma, who was Prime Minister under Kravchuk. Viktor Medvedchuk, with whom Kravchuk was working, served as the head of the presidential office under Kuchma. His presidency was marred with allegations of criminality, including ties to a St. Petersburg company where Vladimir Putin was an advisor. There were allegations of dealings with mobsters, Colombian drug lords, and transcontinental money laundering, other forms of corruption and even murder. One Prime Minister under Kuchma, Pavlo Lazarenko, allegedly stole $200 million dollars from Ukraine, did 6 or 7 years in prison in the United States for money laundering, wire fraud and extortion, and has last been reported to be sitting on a ranch in California.
None of the western governments ever try to return stolen oligarch monies to Ukraine. Under the thumb of politicians and foreign governments alike, with the Ukrainian media entirely in Jewish oligarch hands, Ukraine is held captive for the profits of a few. The oligarchs can safely keep their money abroad, and remain in Ukraine while they bleed the nation dry. These things are never an issue in the western media. The EU especially does not want to face the threats of natural gas cutoffs from the Russians.
The so-called Orange Revolution occurred when election results regarding Kuchma’s replacement were challenged. Viktor Yanukovych was Prime Minister under Kuchma. Yanukovych is also the president who was just run out of office in February. Running in 2004 to replace Kuchma, after the second round of voting on 22nd November there were indications that Yanukovych had won the election by fraud. This caused the opposition and independent observers to dispute the results, leading to the Orange Revolution. Kuchma was urged by Yanukovych and Viktor Medvedchuk to declare a state of emergency and hold the inauguration of Yanukovych. Kuchma denied the request, and Yanukovych publicly accused Kuchma of a betrayal. However Kuchma also refused to officially dismiss Yanukovych as Prime Minister after the parliament passed a motion of no confidence against the Cabinet on 1st December. Soon after, Kuchma left the country. He returned to Ukraine in March 2005.
In political retirement, Kuchma said in October 2009 that he would vote for Victor Yanukovych at the Ukrainian presidential election in 2010, the election that Yanukovych won. In a document dated 2nd February 2010 uncovered during a United States diplomatic cables leak, Kuchma in conversation with United States Ambassador to Ukraine John F. Tefft called the voters’ choice between Yanukovych and Yulia Tymoshenko during the second round of the 2010 presidential election a choice between “bad and very bad” and praised Arseniy Yatsenyuk instead, who was a candidate eliminated in the first round of the election. Yatsenyuk has just been chosen as the new interim Prime Minister of Ukraine this February. As of September 2011, Kuchma still believed that Yanukovych was the real winner of the 2004 election. Many American NGO’s were operating in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution, and many Ukrainian-Americans were involved. Russians, as well as some western commentators, believe that the CIA and other western agencies were responsible for the Orange Revolution because Yanukovych is strongly pro-Russian and America wanted a Ukrainian president who would stay on the course of bringing Ukraine into the EU.
What is plainly evident in all of this, is that Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yanukovich, and the oligarch- politicians Medvedchuk and Surkis are all political bed-fellows. These people have been running Ukraine for nearly all of the time since it gained independence in 1991. For the short period of time that they were not running Ukraine, they were still holding offices in the parliament, and many of them and their allies were still holding cabinet positions under the so-called opposition government of the next president, Viktor Yushchenko.
After the Orange Revolution succeeded in forcing new elections, Yushchenko defeated Yanukovych by a margin of 52-to-44, becoming Ukraine’s third president. He was poisoned and disfigured after an assassination attempt in 2004. Running for re-election in 2010, he only received about 5% of the vote. Yushchenko was governor of Ukraine’s central bank from 1993, and Prime Minister under Kuchma from 1998 to 2001, but he was Kuchma’s surprise second choice, since the first candidate was not ratified by the parliament. Yushchenko began his banking career in 1976 and he was a career Soviet banking bureacrat from 1983 until 1991. Pandering to Jews in the 2004 election is a good indication of Jewish power and influence in Ukraine. It is admitted by Wikipedia that “Yushchenko built his campaign on face-to-face communication with voters, since the government prevented most major television channels from providing equal coverage to candidates. Meanwhile, his rival, Yanukovych, frequently appeared in the news and even accused Yushchenko, whose father was a Red Army soldier supposedly imprisoned at Auschwitz during the war, of being ‘a Nazi,’ even though Yushchenko actively reached out to the Jewish community in Ukraine and his mother is said to have risked her life by hiding three Jewish girls for one and a half years during the Second World War.”
So even though Yushchenko was supposed to be an alternative, he was also an old-time Soviet Party operative who was in most respects no different from his predecessors. However Yushchenko represented the liberals among Ukraine oligarchs, and his Prime Minister was Yulia Tymoshenko, another liberal who is herself one of the oligarchs. Among his political objectives were proposals to implement IMF reforms and to join the EU, both representing a surrender of sovereignty, but neither of which were accomplished during his presidency.
Yushchenko also had close ties to another oligarch, David Zhvaniya, who is the former head of the Agitation and Propaganda department in the USSR Communist Party Central Committee (a part of the Soviet bureaucracy where the new president, Turchinov, also has some experience). Yushchenko accused Zhvania, who is even the godfather of one of Yushchenko’s children, of involvement in his dioxin poisoning. But Zhvania boldly claimed that Yushchenko falsified his poisoning, which was scientifically documented in Switzerland and elsewhere. The case has never been settled.
In 2002, future president Yushchenko, his later Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Oleksandr Moroz of the Socialist Party of Ukraine and Petro Symonenko of the Communist Party of Ukraine issued a joint statement concerning “the beginning of a state revolution in Ukraine”. The communists later stepped out of the alliance, however the other three parties remained allies until mid 2006. This is one plain indication of the political sentiments of Yushchenko and Tymoshenko. Among Yushchenko’s first major appointments was Petro Poroshenko, the oligarch and billionaire businessman, to Secretary of the Security and Defense Council. The coalition called the Party of Regions, the party of the just-ousted President Yanukovych, was founded by that same PetroPoroshenko.
In 2005 there was a political crisis in which Yushchenko sacked the cabinet, including Tymoshenko and Poroshenko. One ousted minister, Svyatoslav Piskun who was General Prosecutor of Ukraine, claimed his dismissal by Yuschenko was because he refused to institute criminal proceedings against Tymoshenko, and refused to drop proceedings against Poroshenko. Tymoshenko became Prime Minister again in 2007. Since February 2007 Poroshenko has sat on the Council of Ukraine’s National Bank. Yuschenko later appointed Poroshenko, who favors NATO and the EU, as Foreign Minister, and also reappointed him to the National Security and Defense Council, althoughwhenYanukovych took office as president he was dismissed in 2010. That same year, former president Kravchuk accused exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky of financing Yushchenko’s presidential election campaign, and provided copies of documents showing money transfers from companies controlled by Berezovsky to companies controlled by Yushchenko’s official backers. Berezovsky confirmed that he met Yushchenko’s representatives in London before the election, and that the money was transferred from his companies, but he refused to confirm or deny that the money was used in Yushchenko’s campaign. In August 2006, Yushchenko appointed his onetime opponent in the 2004 presidential race, Viktor Yanukovych, to be the new Prime Minister, after his Party of Regions won the Parliamtentary elections. This is the same candidate and party accused of cheating the 2004 elections. So much for the “Orange Revolution”, because all of thesebusinessman-politicians are in bed together in one way or another.
The fourth president of Ukraine was that sameViktor Yanukovych, the president just ousted this February. He defeated both Yuschenko and Tymoshenko, among other rivals in the election. In mid-2009, Tymoshenko accused Viktor Yushchenko, Arseniy Yatseniuk and Viktor Yanukovych, all fellow candidates in the 2010 presidential election, of having the same campaign headquarters which she claimed was financed by Dmytro Firtash.
As a youth, Yanukovych had a couple of criminal convictions which he was more recently charged with illegally having expunged, and even his numerous academic credentials are all said to be fraudulent. He has the military rank of major, and there is no known record of any military service. He was governor of Donetsk Oblast from 1997 to 2002, and he was a Prime Minister under both Kuchma and Yushchenko. Historically Yanukovych’s foreign policy objectives gave lip service to the idea of Ukraine as a member of the EU, while on the other hand he is a Russophile, wanting even to have Russian accepted as a second state language in Ukraine. He resisted NATO membership and insisted upon mixed military cooperation with both NATO and Russia.
(My Comment: Christogenea makes NO Mention of the CIA Coup Involving Victoria Nuland nor of the $5 Billion of Taxpayer money spent to achieve this ousting of Yanukovych nor does he mention the horrific crimes perpetrated by these Nazi’s. Instead he supports these Nazi’s even to the point of them strangling a Pregnant woman. My attitude is that Christogenea is no Christian but Instead he supports Terrorists and Killers much like Zionist Christians Support Terrorists and Killers-Two Sides of the Same Coin-FAKE CHRISTIANS! Jesus Never Told Anybody to Support Murderers-he likened the Synagogue of Satan to being Murderers from the beginning and all lies and deceit much like this Christogenea.)
Map of Ukraine showing estimated percentages of Russian population for four eastern Oblasts.
Recently, however, Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement in favor of a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia. His party, the Party of Regions, has much of its power base in the east and the Crimea, where Russian-language speakers are in the majority. As much as 35% of the population of Ukraine are said to be native Russian speakers, but not all Russian speakers are Russian, and they are concentrated in those regions. The closer relations with Russia were one of the causes igniting the Euromaidan protests, since to Ukrainians Russia has for so long been the leading cause of oppession and corruption. In the aftermath of the Yanukovych presidency, Dmytro Firtash, one of the richest Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine, has been arrested in Austria, and may face corruption charges in America.
For most of the time since 1991, Ukraine has been ruled by a diverse collection of oligarchs who favor Russia. Most of these oligarchs are either Jews or Russians. Notable among these are Medvedchuk, Akhmetov, Firtash, Novinsky, Ivanyushchenko and Yanukovych. For some of the timesince 2004, Ukraine has been ruled by a diverse collection of oligarchs who favor the West over Russia, many of whom are also Jews. Notable among them are Yushchenko, Tymoshenko,Poroshenko andYatsenyuk. However all of these oligarchs have had ties to each other both in business and in politics, and all are complicit in the looting of Ukraine. Most of them also have something else in common: they served in the government during the Presidency of Leonid Kuchma, and many of them began their political careers in the Soviet era. (Admin: No mention of Wall Street looting of Ukraine post Coup by Zionists Who Call Themselves ‘jews’ and their companies such as MONSANTO.)
The fall of Yanukovych this February was precipitated by the defection of many of the ministers from his Party of Regions, which had 128 seats of its own in the 450-seat parliament. The next largest party, with 88 seats, was the All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna (Fatherland)” Party,which came to be the largest party following the defections. Therefore the interim government of Ukraine consists primarily of leaders from this party. In 2010, Yulia Tymoshenko ran for president against Yanukovych with the All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna” Party. The party has a nationalist-sounding name but it actually has leftist roots, it is liberal and it leans strongly towards the EU and away from Russia. While Arseniy Yatsenyuk also ran for president in the 2010 election, it was for a different party and he had since joined the Batkivshchyna party.
Early in her political career, Tymoshenko and her husband had their own energy business, The Ukrainian Petrol Corporation, which was founded in 1991. She was later the president of a company called United Energy Systems of Ukraine, a privately owned middleman company that became the main importer of Russian natural gas to Ukraine. Related to this time she was accused of being involved in corruption with Pavlo Lazarenko, who was at one time Prime Minister under Kuchma. She was also Minister of Fuel and Energy under Kuchma from 1999 to 2001. Ostensibly, it is the Ukraianian energy industry which has produced the most multimillionaires among the oligarchs.
Oleksandr Turchynov isthe new president of Ukraine, and old ally of Tymoshenko, and also a member of the All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna” Party. He is also an old name dating back to the Soviet era.From 1987 to 1990 he served as head of the Agitation and Propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Communist Youth League Committee, which was led by Serhiy Tihipko. Tihipko and Turchynov became political advisers of Leonid Kuchma, then head of Dnipropetrovsk-based Pivdenmash missile manufacturer and soon-to-be president of Ukraine. Kuchma and his entire team, including Tihipko and Turchynov moved to Kiev in 1992, after Kuchma was appointed Prime Minister. In 1993 Turchynov was formally appointed an advisor on economic issues to Prime Minister Kuchma.
The official website of Yatsenyuk, the new Ukrainian Prime Minister, states he was born into a family of ethnic Ukrainians. But other official and academic sources state that he was born tо a family of ethnic Jewish-Ukrainians. The Guardianhas reported that Yatsenyuk “has played down his Jewish-Ukrainian origins, possibly because of the prevalence of antisemitism in his party’s western Ukraine heartland.” Yatsenyuk was the man whom former President Kuchma had wishedwould have won the 2010 elections, over both Yanukovych andTymoshenko.
Kuchma at one time favored Yatsenyuk for president and had also once been a patron of Turchynov. Therefore while theAll-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna” Party seems to favor the West,it is really just business-as-usual for Ukraine. Since all of these characters have been inpositions of control in government in the past, since all of them are just as associated with one another in business as they are in politics, and since all of them are millionaires who stay in government for their own interests more than for the interests of the people of Ukraine, little is boumd to actually change as long as any of them are in power.
The Western media is promoting the idea that the primary objective of the Euromaidan protestors is EU membership. That is not true. While many of the liberals taking part in the protests seek EU membership, just as many were nationalists who want Ukrainian independence from both Russia and the EU. The most common sentiment, however, is an end to the corruption of the Soviet-era bureaucracy, and the virtual control of the country by a handful of corrupt and mostly Jewisholigarchs. The oligarchs themselves are the primary opponents of the demonstrators, although a few oligarchs were in favor of them, meaning those that favor the West.
A general account of what led to the demonstrations is this: Russia bribed Yanukovych not to sign an association agreement with the European Union, promising a $15 billion loan in return for a policy of repression in Ukraine. After accepting the loan, Yanukovych illegally forced legislation through parliament that was closely modeled on similar laws in Moscow restricting freedom of speech and assembly. The Euromaidan protests were indeed quite peaceful, up until Yanukovych moved to enforce his new laws. Right after the Kremlin freed up a $2 billion installment Yanukovych ordered the shooting of protesters. This infuriated many citizens, and especially the nationalists, and led to increased and more militant protests. The goverments of the West are trying to characterize the reasons for the protests as Yanukovych’s refusal to sign the agreement with the EU, however that is only a side issue. Oppression and corruption in Ukraine are the real reasons for the protests. In the meantime, the Russians are accusing the protestors of being “fascists” and “nazis”, none of which are true.
For 25 years, Ukraine has been a cadaver and the same congress of ravens has been feeding on it. The ravens will sometimes unite and chase off other parasites, but once the threat passes the ravens will go back to competing with one another for whatever is left of the putrid flesh. In truth, the cadaver is tired of being eaten. The pressing question is whether the cadaver can ever again have the mind and will to attempt actually ridding itself of the ravens. And if in ridding itself of the ravens, it can also avert being trampled under foot in war once again.
As of February, another All–Ukrainian Union party, the “Svoboda (Freedom)” party,had 36 seats inthe parliament. While it is not perfect, Svoboda is the only true nationalist party which also, from what we have perused of their literature, understands that the Jews are an alien people whose interests are not common to those of Ukraine. Svoboda leans towards the West, because Ukranians rightfully view themselves as Europeans and because they are anti-Russian, understanding that Russia has not been good for Ukraine. Yet they are for Ukrainian independence rather than EU membership, and they are truly an ethnic nationalist party.
There are many other parties with representation, but aside from Svoboda and the largest two already mentioned, there is only one other party with significant representation: the centrist Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform party, which holds 42 seats and is headed by the boxer, Vitali Klitschko. This party has an anti-corruption platform but it is generally favorable towards the West and is in favor of the Association Agreement with the EU. It is not a nationalist party by any means.
While Svoboda had by far the largest Euromaidan presence, and has obtained six seats in the new interim cabinet for its efforts, the party is still an opposition party and hopes to make large gains in the upcoming parliamentary elections. However there are several hurdles.
One obstacle is another, relatively new party which has arisen recently and which had a large presence in the Euromaidan demonstrations: the Pravyi Sektor (Right Sector). This party is not truly nationalist, but is often confused for being nationalist because of the Russian propaganda against it. They are more anti-leftist and in favor of Ukrainian independence, but they are not nationalist in the ethnic sense, and they have openly condemned anti-semitism. However if they hurt any other party at the polls, it would most likely be Svoboda. One can only wonder who is really behind a party which is favorable to Jews while pretending to a watered-down and broader-based non-ethnic nationalism that emerges in a short time and with sufficient funding, all while a real nationalist party is on the rise in Ukraine. At the same time, there are other lesser-known nationalist parties in Ukraine. One example is Spilna Sprava, often translated as Common Cause but which is better understood to mean Union of the Right. Members of this party, however, had displayed as much antipathy during Euromaidan for the Svoboda party as they had for the party in power. If nationalist parties remain fragmented and cannot unite at the polls, they will never be able to defeat the larger parties which have the Ukrainian oligarch-controlled media fully in their grasp.
The second and largest obstacle to any political independence and justice for Ukrainians is Russia. If Svoboda could win in Ukraine, and actually get to implement any of its nationalist policies, what would Russia do? There is already talk that Russia may invade Ukraine, under the pretense of supplying needed provisions and defense to its newest acquisition, Crimea. The eastern regions of Ukraine, which have large Russian minorities, would provide a land connection to Crimea if Russia could have them. While it may be possible that further Russian sabre-rattling is only for the hopes of scaring Ukrainians away from the nationalist parties in the upcoming elections, they have already wrested Crimea away from Ukraine. Therefore they could easily gamble on Donetsk or Luhansk Oblasts, which are said to be 48% and 42% Russian respectively, paving the way towards a land connection to Crimea. To this day, Russians derive much of their own national pride from their defeat of the evil “nazis”. That is why Russian propaganda outlets are pushing the “nazi” label onto Ukraine so fervently now. If real nationalists such as Svoboda came to power in Ukraine, the Russians would not need much more of a pretense for an invasion. And how could the West defend such anti-semitic “nazis”?
As an afterthought, there are serious misgivings concerning Vladimir Putin in the minds of many western nationalists. It must therefore be stated that Putin is not a nationalist, nor is he a friend to nationalists. If Putin were friendly to nationalists, he would appreciate Ukrainian nationalism and self-determination, yet he does not. Rather, they are branded as “nazis” and derided by Russian media. It seems that Putin is more concerned with Ukraine because he wants to defend the illictly attained property of the Jewish and Russian oligarchs who have pillaged Ukraine since the end of the Soviet empire.
While Putin’s good reputation among western nationalists comes from a lop-sided assessment of his dispute with one Jewish oligarch,Boris Berezovsky, Putin has been quite the friend of many other Jewish oligarchs, especially Roman Abramovich. One small example is the license which Putin has given Abramovich to completely redevelop the famous Russian landmark, Gorky Park, into a high-priced tourism mecca. Putin, who was nominated for his position by Boris Yeltsin, has never reversed the sacking of Russia which occurred during the Yeltsin administration, in the form of the transfer of resources and industry owned by the State into the hands of a small number of Jews, at a fraction of the actual value of those assets.
There are hundreds of Jewish oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin is their defender. Most of them have Israeli citizenship, and travel freely back and forth to Israel from Eastern Europe. Putin meets with Chabad annually, and has gone so far as to wear the Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. At the same time, thousands of young Russian and Ukrainian women are lured to Israel each year with the promise of jobs, and when they get there they are forced to work as sex slaves in the many hundreds of Jewish whorehouses in Palestine. The trade is well-documented, and Putin has done nothing to stop it. At the same time, as many as six million illegal Asian immigrants have flooded into Moscow, and Putin has done nothing to stop that. Russian immigration laws are also quite amenable to aliens, and have encouraged an influx of cheap labor into Russia much like the Mexican immigrants who are flowing into America, or the Turks and Africans into Europe. At every turn, Vladimir Putin’s domestic policies are clearly anti-nationalist – Russian or otherwise, and the more one investigates, the more Putin looks like just another globalist Western politician.
There has recently been some bad publicity concerning Svoboda, in which some of the party’smembers were taped roughing up a television newsman. There are rumors among the common folk in Ukraine, that just as the oligarchs had paid for ruffians from the east to pose as nationalists and purposely commit crimes and incite other troubles in order to make nationalists look bad during Euromaidan, that likewise the oligarchs may have corrupted some of the Svobodamembers to commit criminal acts for that same purpose. Officially, the party has condemned the incident. There was no news in the West, however, of the fate of Dmytro Cherniavsky, the Svoboda press secretary, who was murdered in Donetsk. He was attending an anti-war meeting, and killed by pro-Russian thugs.
White nationalists everywhere should be concerned of the fate of the real nationalists in Ukraine. (Admin: Apparently He Does Not Really Care About All the Crimes Committed by These Nazi’s. See Pictures Below:

(Admin: Violent “Protestor”)