HolisticUsInternational-Human Services Solutions
by Admin ·

HolisticUs International endeavours to connect others to an international network of like minds and helping hands.
HolisticUs International aims to bring potential clients/patients together with various holistic service providers throughout the world to afford useful, safe, transparent, accountable and economical service(s).
We are extremely grateful and blessed for this opportunity to share our fundamental vision of enabling others, across the globe, to connect, to learn, to heal, to renew and to thrive – body, mind and soul!
1. To install and maintain common law direct action units in respective communities. To police our own communities. To install common law courts in our respective communities. To aid with arresting child predators and anyone with a hand in crimes against humanity, historic and/or current.
4. To form, and aid others in forming, People’s Assemblies.
* Foster care and Child Protection
* Ritual Abuse
* Trauma
* Medical Harassment/Abuse
* Targeted Individuals
* Torture
* Genocide
* Pedophilia
* Incest
* Organized Crime
* Technology crimes
* Whistle Blowers
* Systematic Oppression
* Blackmail/Extortion
* Chronic health/mental health
Many of the good souls that make up HolisticUs International have been targeted by the system in one way, shape or form. We are most definitely aware! We understand the matrix and we thus attempt to respond to the full spectrum of trauma and abuse that it generates.
Building a safe community for survivors is imperative to HolisticUs International. We are networking with survivors of various forms of abuse so that we can offer hope and protection to them, and others, while finding a better way forward together. HolisticUs International recognizes that ‘professionals’ within the ‘system’ often reject real and serious issues, such as ritual abuse, while survivors struggle to cope on their own often with few resources, if any.
Because systematic abuse is obscured from the public eye, for the most part, we find that many of today’s ‘regulated professionals’ aren’t equipped to effectively respond to the issues that survivors identify with due to their lack of awareness and thus their lack of training and experience in such arenas. As such, we are actively recruiting a full spectrum of alternative service providers.
Survivors cannot be ignored because they live in an society ignorant to their reality. We empower survivors to come forward, we enable them to tell their truth and we support them with a variety of services a long the way.
We do not yet have emergency services in place for the variety of survivors out there, however, if you have nowhere else to turn, please contact us for an emergency assessment of your particular situation and we’ll do our best to assist you in getting the services you require as quickly as possible.
7. To establish Child and Family Support and Protection Units in our respective communities. To protect children, youth, elders, disabled and otherwise vulnerable. To minimize the apprehension of children by child protection agencies by working together as a community. Working with families to increase KIN CARE placements to remove as loved ones out of foster care. To promote and support the family unit. To promote initiatives that respect, support, and enable the elders of every community. To raise awareness about the destructive practices of Adoption, Child Trafficking, Parental Alienation, etc., and to expose and eliminate child trafficking.
8. To operate a Community Daycare that provides standard Home School services. We understand that many parents have various commitments preventing their ability to find the time to home school their own children. We therefore aim to provide daycare services that double as a home school for those particular families.
We also seek to be a community resource and support centre for those other families who are in a position to do their own home schooling. We’ve designed a basic structure template and evolving curriculum for primary, intermediate and senior learners to be shared by a wider community. Even Grandparents, family friends, siblings, aunt/uncles, etc., can teach this program. We endeavour to support family cooperatives in this regard and to share their results for others to see how its done.
This goal aims to save as many children as possible from the hell of the current main stream education systems around the world.
It is our hope to see this initiative sprouting in other communities around the world. We hope to learn from others and to share and apply gained knowledge as we progress to inspire and support the real changes that we need to bring about in our own communities.
Knowing that their children aren’t subject to poorly dictated diets and activity, mandated child protection reporting, immunization mandates, or the rapidly deteriorating classroom/playground settings should give parents sound reassurance that their children are getting a much better start to life without the typical mainstream influences.
Beyond that of basic health and anatomy we will not be educating children about sex. We feel that sex education is too advanced in today’s world and we’ve decided to leave that job to the parents. On a similar note, we won’t be teaching ‘religion’ but will completely foster spiritual development and growth.
Our children are being ‘dumbed down’, sexualized, and manipulated by the current education systems. Sexual predators run rampant through so many of our schools and social clubs. Many schools are dictating poor diets to children and not facilitating adequate physical education. Scores of children are bullied in some fashion at some point in their school day and consequently many of these children suffer serious anxieties and/or low self esteem. These are just some of the issues our vulnerable children face in the school system today.
We are also concerned about the extraordinary cost of daycare and/or school requirements and its impact on the family budget.
We need a better way!
HolisticUs International will provide an atmosphere where the whole childhood experience will be completely fostered and nurtured. These kids are going to have the opportunity to be KIDS! They will be exposed to music, art, drama and creative play, field trips, guest visits, cooking, designing, gardening/harvesting, sewing, baking, crafting, sign language, random acts of kindness, pen pals, charity, and so, so much more. We’re so excited!
If you would like to help out, or if you need the information or support to start your own home school just drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!
HolisticUs International hopes to develop (or otherwise acquire through working with existing service providers) and further share templates and models that will improve and/or strengthen individuals, families, communities and the world. We seek to learn all that we can from others so that we can know about life and ways of living outside of our own ‘norms’ and to share this knowledge with others.
This is an innovative approach and a unique opportunity for a broad range of diverse professionals who UNDERSTAND and further apply a HOLISTIC and HONEST approach in their provided service(s) and to the many who seek these often rare and invaluable services. We should understand that a holistic approach means to look at the whole of a problem rather than a mere piece or part of the problem.
10. To open an emergency shelter for survivors of systematic abuse and/or various forms of trauma.
HolisticUs International has identified a serious lack of services for male survivors of abuse.
11. To provide a support and respite camp for grass-roots workers.
13. To issue a monthly newsletter that highlights a calendar of events, goals, accomplishments, financial data (donations, etc.), new service providers, news, etc.
To lead by example. To empower others.
The old system is falling away. The walls of corruption are crumbling in this very moment. As those walls continue to crumble we attempt to pull others out of the rubble and into the safety of a growing network of people and community.
A ‘professional’ in this new way of doing things, as far as HolisticUs International is concerned, is a responsible person with knowledge and experience in a particular field, common sense, a good heart and a love for what they do. Higher education, licensing, (etc.) has often been used, historically, to control the thoughts and actions of many of today’s ‘professionals’. In fact, many ‘professionals’ with higher education have been indoctrinated to work within the old (and currently crumbling) system and to be ignore its many flaws. As we walk away from the ‘old’ system we also walk away from what made that system thrive.
We’re not attempting to ‘fight’ the old system. We’re simply walking away from it (perhaps running). Step by step and little by little we are collectively protecting and strengthening our communities and further enabling and empowering the individuals and families within those communities.
Sharing knowledge is key! For example, some parts of the world use certain techniques and/or technology for health, homesteading, governance, (etc.) that other parts of the world are completely unaware of. We hope to break these barriers and show innovative ways forward for everyone, everywhere.
We must empower each other!
HolisticUs International does not have all of the answers…far fro it! We simply seek a better way forward for all of humanity and we therefore continue putting one foot in front of the other and striving to move forward in the best ways we can think of. There is no ‘be all and end all’ template for designing a better way of doing things. We are ‘learning as we go’…with you!
Strong communities consist of all sorts of diverse professions. We seek engineers, architects, farmers, healers, teachers, philosophers, leaders, communicators, artists, analysts, advisors, mediators, journalists, historians, athletes, homemakers, custodians, caregivers, manufacturers, therapists, labourers, couriers, technicians, inventors, suppliers, entrepreneurs, etc. As our network spreads into other communities throughout the world we will be more enabled to offer individual assessments and to make subsequent referrals for appropriate service providers based upon location from our evolving database of holistic service providers.
We urge you to join us. Share with us your ideas for community templates and better ways of doing things in regards to human services in general. Perhaps you could recommend a particular holistic service provider to be added to our evolving database or recommend a topic for our blog or monthly newsletter. Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas or initiatives. No idea is too silly and the only stupid question is the question that wasn’t asked!
If we each take responsibility for ourselves, our families and our communities we will be the change that we want to see and collectively we will lend to a better world!
‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!’