The U.S. Dollar Could Be the Trade War’s Hidden Victim – Barron’s
“Could the Trump administration’s tariffs on imports curb exports of what arguably is the nation’s No. 1 brand? That would be the dollar, the greenback-a brand with global recognition and an appeal that exceeds even the Big Mac, Marlboros, Coca-Cola, or the iPhone. A sharply reduced U.S. trade deficit would provide fewer dollars-which the world uses for finance and commerce as well as a store of value-to the rest of the globe. A shrinkage, or at least slower growth, in global dollar supplies could result in tighter financial conditions and possibly a debt crisis. That’s the provocative scenario painted by Anne Stevenson-Yang, who runs J Capital Research in China….The world effectively has been on a dollar standard, just as it was on a gold standard for the second half of the 19th century until World War I, and that dollar standard effectively underpins the world trading system, she notes. When President Richard Nixon severed the dollar’s last link to gold in 1971, it became a fiat currency with no stable value. ‘That meant that the U.S. could project any level of U.S. currency around the world to support its own national economic growth and lifestyle improvements that zoomed past productivity improvements,’ she writes. This ‘exorbitant privilege’-the ability to print the world’s reserve currency-lets America live beyond its means.”

Prices are rising faster than they have in six years– CNN Money
“If you feel like stuff has been getting more expensive lately, you’re right. The Consumer Price Index, which tracks most items on the average city-dwelling American’s shopping list, rose 2.9 % last month – its fastest pace since 2012. When prices speed up, paychecks don’t go as far. Average hourly earnings only increased 2.7% over the year in June, which means that most workers’ paychecks actually aren’t going any further at all. The Federal Reserve also monitors prices closely to decide whether to hike interest rates. Those rates influence how much people pay for all kinds of credit, and can throw off federal budget projections if they start rising too fast. The Fed also watches a slightly different metric called Personal Consumption Expenditures, or PCE, which capture rural residents as well as indirect costs like employer-sponsored health benefits. But there’s a lot going on underneath the average rate that determines whether any particular individual is paying more, depending on what they typically buy. For example, much of the recent boost is driven by the price of oil, which has recovered from under $30 a barrel during a supply glut in 2015 to over $70 a barrel today. High oil prices raise the cost of everything from hamburgers to Uber rides, but people who depend on cars for transportation are going to feel it a lot more than bike commuters.”MY COMMENT:  OUR DOLLAR IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE DOLLAR OR ROTHSCHILD ZIONIST MAFIA DOLLAR.  ISN’T IT TIME WE STARTED PRINTING OUR OWN CURRENCY AND LET THE ROTHSCHILD ZIONISTS GO DOWN ON THEIR OWN INSTEAD OF THEM DRAGGING US DOWN WITH THEM?

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