Living in the Zionist Occupied Country of Britain: Orwellian Nightmare!

UK – Britain in the grip of the Zionist lobby: Living in an Orwellian dystopia

by TUT editor

Britain in the grip of the Zionist lobby: Living in an Orwellian dystopia

Gilad Atzmon writes: It is puzzling to witness the speed and ferocity with which Britain is deteriorating into an Orwellian nightmare.

The Evening Standard reported last month that “a London council worker has been suspended after being caught claiming Zionists ‘collaborated’ with the Nazis”.

Stan Keable was removed from his duties as an environmental enforcement officer for Hammersmith and Fulham Council after saying, “The Nazis were anti-Semitic. The problem I’ve got is the Zionist government at the time collaborated with them. They accepted the ideas that Jews are not acceptable here. CONTINUE READING

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