Actress Alyssa Milano Hypocritically Surrounded by Armed Security at ANTI-NRA Rally: Do As I Say Not As I Do!

Alyssa Milano branded a hypocrite for ‘armed security’ at anti-NRA rally (VIDEO)-Puppet For illuminati Families:


Alyssa Milano branded a hypocrite for ‘armed security’ at anti-NRA rally (VIDEO)
US actress Alyssa Milano has been branded a hypocrite by NRA activists for allegedly attending an anti-NRA protest with armed guards as personal protection.

Milano spoke at the NRA protest in Dallas on Saturday, a demonstration organized to coincide with the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual convention.

READ MORE: ‘Shameful & obscene’: France slams Trump over claim gun owners could’ve stopped Paris attacks

Footage shared by writer Ben Howe shows NRA member Will Haraway ask security guards beside Milano whether they’re armed. In the clip, the guard ignores the question and repeatedly asks him to leave, escorting him away from Milano. “Alyssa you’re a hypocrite,” Haraway shouts. “You have armed security here!”



This is Will Haraway a CCW @nra member. He asked @Alyssa_Milano’s security if he was armed (he was) and then asked Alyssa about it. Here’s what happened. (She comes to talk to him after this and I will post that longer video shortly).

The video prompted outrage and cries of hypocrisy from NRA supporters across social media. NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch shared the footage, criticizing Milano for having “armed security chase Texans out of a public park simply because they asked if she uses armed defense (that she wants to deny others).”

“For the record, my personal bodyguard was not armed,” Milano later tweeted of the confrontation.

Dana Loesch


Anti-gun Californian @Alyssa_Milano has armed security chase Texans out of a public park simply because they asked if she uses armed defense (that she wants to deny others). Wow.



This is Will Haraway a CCW @nra member. He asked @Alyssa_Milano’s security if he was armed (he was) and then asked Alyssa about it. Here’s what happened. (She comes to talk to him after this and I will post that longer video shortly).

Alyssa Milano


For the record, my personal bodyguard was not armed.

I had no control over what the Dallas PD and event coordinators planned to protect me.

I guess much like the gun lobby had no control over the secret service banning guns at the gun convention.

Alyssa Milano


This was event security, not my bodyguard. But regardless, this security guy has had training and passed a background check. These are the common sense gun reform policies we are fighting for for everyone.

Can’t wait to see the unedited longer video.



This is Will Haraway a CCW @nra member. He asked @Alyssa_Milano’s security if he was armed (he was) and then asked Alyssa about it. Here’s what happened. (She comes to talk to him after this and I will post that longer video shortly).

Haraway and his supporters accused the activist actress of lying, sharing close-up screenshots of what they said was an apparent weapon concealed beneath the guard’s jacket.

Will Haraway@HarawayWill

I saw it. No question. They lie because they are liars. He was carrying.

Andrew Love@VictoryInLove
Replying to @Alyssa_Milano

Looks like the outline of a gun.

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“This was event security, not my bodyguard,” Milano responded. “But regardless, this security guy has had training and passed a background check. These are the common sense gun reform policies we are fighting for for everyone.” 

Milano later spoke to Haraway at the event, but the full video of the conversation is yet to be shared. An NRA TV host shared two short clips of the encounter.

Grant Stinchfield


So @Alyssa_Milano wants to see the unedited video of her and her armed guards “printing”. I have no idea who she is talking to at first, @rangerholton respectfully chimes in. Watch. Also Alyssa please answer why you lied about having no armed guards. @NRATV

The NoRA group says it’s not anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment, but wants responsible gun ownership, increased checks and balances for gun purchasers, and for the NRA’s potential influence on lawmakers through campaign funding reduced.

The ethics of Milano’s guard being armed or not was further argued online by both sides of the gun ownership debate.


This is such a weak sauce argument. OF COURSE her security guard is armed because we live in a world where guns are prevalent. Her argument is that we don’t want that to continue to be the default position. Until then, she needs an equal level of protection.

Mark Amey@TheAme19

How would infringing on the 2nd Amendment rights of hundreds of millions of law abiding Americans prevent the next Sandy Hook or Stoneman Douglas? As long as gun grabbers hide behind armed security, they are covered in a hypocrisy that can not be overlooked.


A gun control advocate is a “hypocrite” for supposedly having armed security at a gun control protest IN DALLAS, TEXAS? The place where open carry nuts showed up at a BLM march. The place where this happens in a Walmart? Um . . u nutz are the reason she should have armed guards

Caesar Corinthos@TheRealCaesarC

Hey @Alyssa_Milano armed guards at an anti-gun rally huh? I thought the world was all sunshine and rainbows. What are you afraid of? It’s ok for you as as a celebrity to be protected but not us common folk? @DLoesch @ChrisLoesch @NRA

Shannon Watts


Standard bullshit from the @NRA playbook. At the conference in Indianapolis, @dloesch showed up with her camera crew and accused my very unarmed husband of being an intimidating armed bodyguard: 

Dan Bongino


Ironic that @Alyssa_Milano’s ARMED guard, at her anti-gun rally outside of the NRA convention, intimidated and chased away NRATV staff members. I saw no such thuggish behavior from actual NRA members at the convention.

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  1. May 2, 2023

    […] Actress Alyssa Milano Hypocritically Surrounded by Armed Security at ANTI-NRA Rally: Do As I Say Not… […]