The Real Reason the U.S. Goes to War…………………………..MONEY….There Is NO Other Reason!
The Real Reason the U.S. Goes to War –Bonner/Bonner And Partners
“The ‘laws’ of finance are pretty simple. ‘As you sow, so shall ye reap,’ it says in the Bible (Galatians 6:7). ‘By the sweat of thy brow you will eat food until you return to the ground,’ it adds in Genesis 3:19. You can’t fake it….And a boom purchased on credit always turns into a bust of credit deflation. Why, how, and when that credit bust will come is what we look for – in our dot patterns – in this Diary. But we can’t help but notice similar patterns in other aspects of human life. One of the lessons learned over thousands of years of bitter experience was the one that Athens ignored: You shouldn’t go to war unless you have to….No major media body in the U.S. even bothered to investigate the alleged reason for the Syria attack: the use of chemical weapons on civilians. Later, when it became clear that the whole story was likely fake news, the media described the bombing in Syria as ‘symbolic,’ or a ‘warning’ to the Assad regime…