Purim Special: Fro Esther to AIPAC

Purim Special: From Esther to AIPAC

by TUT editor

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The moral of the story is rather clear. If Jews want to survive, they better find infiltrates into the corridors of power. With Esther, Mordechai and Purim in mind, AIPAC and the notion of ‘Jewish power’ looks like an embodiment of a deep Biblical and cultural ideology.

However, here is the interesting twist. Though the story is presented as an historic tale, the historical accuracy of the Book of Esther is largely disputed by most modern Bible Scholars. 

In other words, though the moral is clear, the attempted genocide is fictional. Seemingly, the Book of Esther set its followers into a collective Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It makes a fantasy of destruction into an ideology of survival. 

The Book of Esther is there to form the exilic identity. It is there to invoke PRE traumatic stress,  It sets the conditions that turn ‘Judeocide’ into a valid constant threat. But it also offers a survival  strategy to encounter such an imaginary threat.

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