Activist Post News: DoD Works With Hollywood to Sell WAR Propaganda!

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In the 03/07/2018 edition:

Free Book – The Compact Garden Blueprint

Learn how to grow over 100 pounds of organic, safe food from a 4 x 4 foot garden set up. Setup your plot anywhere in the world. These intricate diagrams will show you how to arrange your garden to get all the mouth watering food you could imagine.

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DoD Blatantly Admits On Twitter It Works With Hollywood To Sell You War Propaganda

Mar 06, 2018 08:03 pm
By John Vibes This week, the Department of Defense sent out an interesting tweet where they openly admitted that they control how the US government…

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AMI Smart Meter Abuse Ramps Up Around the USA

Mar 06, 2018 07:43 pm
By Catherine J. Frompovich Daily, I receive requests for information, help and even stories documenting how utility customers, who refuse AMI Smart Meters, are being…

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Has The Australian Government Gone Stark-raving Mad?

Mar 06, 2018 07:24 pm
By Catherine J. Frompovich Just when you think things can’t get any worse than they are regarding the suppression of human rights, denial of personal…

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Israel Now Arming 7 Terrorist Groups In Syria, Report

Mar 06, 2018 03:48 pm
By Brandon Turbeville Israel has long been known to provide support to terrorists operating in Syria ever since the crisis began in 2011. From providing…

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In 2014, One In 10 U.S. Cell/Grid Towers Violated RF Radiation Rules; Telecom Companies, Elected Officials Determined To Add Millions More — This Is 5G

Mar 06, 2018 12:47 pm
By B.N. Frank On October 2. 2014, The Wall Street Journal published, “Cellphone Boom Spurs Antenna-Safety Worries.” If you aren’t a WSJ subscriber, you will…

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Police Are Creating A National Surveillance Network Using COMTEC, Project Green Light And More

Mar 06, 2018 12:15 pm
By MassPrivateI Detroit officials have been using the Macomb County Communications and Technology Center (COMTEC) to spy on everyone since 2013. According to an article in…

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