The Jewish Role in the Native American Genocide
Poisoners of the Wells: The Jewish Role in the Native American Genocide, by Rebel of Oz<
Posted on June 10, 2013
Note: the Native Americans were senselessly killed. All sorts of false stories about regarding them. It was a no-brainer. Without the Zionist powers, including those who installed cryto-Jew Abraham Lincoln, there would have been a positive, humane result: the native people and the newcomers would have worked together as one, productive people to build American to its most profound level.
The natives were willing to cooperate with the new powers. That wasn’t allowed. The Civil War may well have been a Zionist distraction used to preoccupy the people while Lincoln and his fellow Zionist s into motion the final phases of the massacre.
Now, to the article:
This is the first part of a new article series examining the validity of the age-old ‘anti-Semitic’ conception of Jews as the ‘poisoners of the wells’. This term refers to a much frowned upon Jew-centric framework making Jews responsible for most if not all evil occurring in our world. As any framework this Jew-centric view has its shortcomings and blind spots, but it also allows us to explain many world events far more convincingly than any other perspective.
I chose the topic of the Native American genocide because it is one of the least known to have a Jewish connection. In spite of being one of the biggest monstrosities committed in human history, most people know very little about it and regard it as a white man’s crime. I suspect that lack of public knowledge has as much to do with the fact that there are no Jewish victims, as the fact that – if people studied the Native American genocide in great detail – they might find out about the extent to which Jews were responsible for it.
The Native American genocide was the biggest and longest lasting genocide in human history. It went on for 500 years, with a death toll of 100 million lives. [1] That beats even world record holder Joseph Stalin’s Ukrainian genocide of 70 million Ukrainians conducted by Christian-hating Jewish Bolsheviks.
The Jewish leading role in the genocide against Native Americans started with Christopher and Bartholomew Columbus’ second trip to the Americas. A lot of people are aware that the brothers were not Spanish, but Italians from Genoa. What very few people know is that they mass murdered some two million of the Taino people on the island of Hispaniola in just four years and the bestiality with which they did it. What even less people know is that Christopher and Bartholomew Columbus weren’t Christians but Jews.[2]
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Christopher Columbus himself has been reported to have personally killed 500,000 Natives. In their quest to kill and torture as many people as possible Christopher and Bartholomew Columbus built extremely wide gibbets, hanging victims with feet barely touching the ground amidst fire causing a slow strangling burning death.
Similarly, a lot of people are aware that one of the stated goals of the second Columbus trip was to take slaves. What most of them don’t know is that the slave dealers, slave ship owners and slave holders, both initially with Native Americans and later with African Blacks, were mostly Jewish. They do know that whiskey was systematically used as a means of ‘domesticating’ Native Americans. What they don’t know is that the whiskey distilleries were mostly owned by Jews, and so were the business men who handed out the whiskey to them. Many people know about the slaughter perpetrated on Native American communities by “bounty hunters”. What they don’t know is the leading Jewish role in that genocide.[3]
The least known Jewish contribution to the Native American genocide is the deliberate starvation caused by the near-extinction of the American buffalo. Investment banks owned by the Jewish Rothschild crime family had invested heavily in the railway lines built across the country. By making the US government hire unemployed former black slaves as ‘Buffalo soldiers’ to slaughter herd after herd of buffaloes they killed two birds with one stone. They prevented those herds from damaging the tracks of the railway lines and they freed land for millions of new settlers by forcing the surviving Natives to surrender and accept imprisonment in concentration camp style reservations.
All of these Jewish actions can be explained by a combination of greed, blood lust and hateful, supremacist attitude towards non-Jews deeply rooted in Jewish religion and tradition. The following instalments of this “Poisoners of the wells” series will provide more evidence for this unflattering interpretation.
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