Extending the New Silk Road to Asia & Africa

Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa

Patricia J – We’re sending you this email because of the sheer amount of cynical and pessimistic “news” propaganda that the Main-Stream-Media is pushing on the world. The fact is that the world can, and is already moving in positive direction.

Check out our video above with Hussein Askary and Jason Ross, authors of a new report titled “Extending the World Landbridge to West Asia and Africa,” which details how the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative is creating an entirely new potential for Africa and West Asia.

Imagine an Africa with large scale water projects, high speed rail connecting countries and cities, whole new and beautiful cities, self-sufficient food production, electrical and other infrastructure throughout, scientific and higher educational opportunities for a continent whose population is largely young. You will have a vision of a huge step forward in the history of mankind, one which is already underway and proceeding at a rapid rate. China and the African nations are doing this together.

We hope the fact that you have not heard about this will stun you. We think if you watch our video above you might catch the infectious optimism present in this Great Project and help bring these ideas and projects back home to the United States.

Thank you for your continued support,
Editorial Staff

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