EIR Daily Alert Service, Tues, Oct 3, 2017


Chaos and Confusion Campaign—Look for the British Spoor

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—The history of Empire is the history of “divide and conquer.” At a moment of transformation in human history, as we are experiencing today, with the great potential for a new paradigm for all Mankind based on the New Silk Road policy for global development, one should look at major destabilizations with a sharp sense of smell, for the filthy spoor of Empire.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche reminded the world today: The nation-state is the enemy of Empire. The British Empire has always promoted the idea of a “Europe of the regions,” based on ethnic and religious differences, convenient for destabilizations of uncooperative nation-states. Who is behind the Catalonia crisis, threatening not only Spain but all of Europe? Who divided Cameroon into English- and French-speaking sectors after World War I, and activated the call for independence of the Anglophone sector at this time, leading to 17 deaths today and potential chaos tomorrow? Note that China is now Cameroon’s leading trading partner, as it is across most of Africa, and is, for example, building an undersea cable from Cameroon to Brazil which will serve all the nations of Africa and South America.

Why has Israel so openly supported the Kurdish referendum, which destabilizes not only Iraq, but also Iran, Syria and Turkey, whose governments have been targetted by London and Wall Street?

The very strange, horrific murder spree in Las Vegas must not be dismissed without following the spoor, rather than accepting the “lone assassin” story which has so often been used to obscure the truth.

Perhaps the most classic case of British divide and conquer is the setting in motion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been used to divide the entire world for the last century. Today, it is a test case for the two paradigms facing mankind. Today, the two Palestinian movements, Fatah and Hamas, are meeting in Gaza to discuss reconciliation of Palestinian governance. Most press accounts and “expert analysis” dismiss this effort as doomed, for the same reasons that similar efforts have failed in the past.

But there is a difference today—the Belt and Road Initiative. A Palestinian businessman, Munib Al-Masri, announced Oct. 1 a plan to create a company devoted to developing projects in the Gaza Strip in support of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Al-Masri is deputy chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce for the Silk Road. The chairman of this institution, Lu Jianzhong, who is President of CCCC International Holding Limited in China, has been involved in building infrastructure across Africa, and visited the West Bank last week, meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas and National Economy Minister Abeer Odeh.

It is precisely the New Silk Road which can change the Imperial geometry of history, and which can create peace through development. The reconstruction of Syria, for example, has already begun through the international cooperation of Russia, China and others involved in the Belt and Road process.

There is every reason to believe that this historic New Silk Road process can succeed in truly uniting the world in the new paradigm. President Trump has said that he wants to make America great again through cooperation with other great nation-states, which each put their nation and people first, but work together in harmony with all other nation-states. This was the basis of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, ending the religious wars in Europe and creating the modern nation-state. This is the harmony of Confucius, which has inspired China’s miraculous rise out of poverty over the past decades after the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution.


Special Counsel Mueller’s Crimes: The Get-LaRouche Task Force; Cover-Up for Saudis in 9/11; Get-Trump Task Force

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—Executive Intelligence Review issued the following press release today titled “Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Crimes vs. the United States: The Get-LaRouche Task Force; The Get-LaRouche Task Force; Cover-Up of Saudis in 9/11 Attacks; The Get-Trump Task Force.”

Executive Intelligence Review News Service has published in its current weekly issue of EIR, a dossier, “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him.”

The dossier details that for nearly 35 years, Special Counsel Mueller has been deployed not for American, but for British intelligence interests, and has again been selected to try to bring down a leading figure organizing for American policies, to break with British geopolitics—in this most dangerous case, President Donald Trump.

Focusing on three major corrupt, even criminal actions which Mueller has led, EIR demonstrates that the ongoing coup attempt against President Trump is being run by the same circles that imprisoned EIR founder Lyndon LaRouche in the 1980s, and who prevented the exposure of the role of the Saudis and their British controllers in the terrorist attack on the United States on 9/11/2001. In all three cases, Robert Mueller played and is playing the hit-man role. Senator Bob Graham, then investigating the 9/11 attacks, accused Mueller and his FBI of “active deception” and obstruction to hide the dominant Saudi role in them.

The intention in all three cases of Mueller’s criminal tactics was the same. It was to prevent the United States from breaking from British financial and geopolitical policies, returning to the American System of political economy, and joining forces with Russia and China to defeat international terrorism and build “great projects” of transformative infrastructure.

EIR shows that the 1980s prosecutions against LaRouche, and the current attempts at criminal investigations and prosecutions against President Trump and his associates, each began in the same way with British intelligence. Both started with virtually identical “agent of Russia” claims by British intelligence, and with faked “evidence” of Russian influence over LaRouche—and now Trump—brought by British intelligence to American intelligence agencies, with Robert Mueller later selected to act on those faked claims.

The FBI, former Director James Comey, and Special Counsel Mueller, are now openly obstructing justice by refusing to turn over to the U.S. Congress the documents relating to their cooperation with British intelligence agent Christopher Steele.

The American population has shown its growing disgust with the failed effort to claim Russia stole the U.S. election from the gullible Americans, and the equally failed effort to portray Trump as both a Russian puppet and a white supremacist.

But this has not stopped Mueller’s drive to see the President impeached or even imprisoned. It will be stopped only by the most thorough exposure, circulated internationally—because many nations’ relations with the United States, and future prosperity, are at stake.

EIR and its founder Lyndon LaRouche call on all citizens of the world to study and circulate this dossier widely, as necessary to stop terrorism and aggressive wars under various guises, great-power confrontations and the threat of nuclear war.

The dossier is at http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2017/4439_mueller_assassin.html

A detailed video presentation of this case, from LaRouchePAC television Sept. 29, is at https://larouchepac.com/20170929/friday-webcast

Experts Refute Misinformation Regarding Trump and Puerto Rico

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—Refutations of the Trump Administration’s allegedly incompetent response to the hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico began to emerge at the end of last week. Two experts, one currently involved in the effort, and another with past extensive involvement in similar operations, both thoroughly refuted the notion, widely spread in the news media, that the Trump Administration is not responding adequately to the unfolding crisis.

“It’s picture-perfect devastation. The hurricane came through the middle of the island. 100% of the island is without power. As a Puerto Rican, it troubles me to hear the misinformation about the crux of the issue.” This was Colonel Michael A. Valle, U.S. Air Force, Commander, 101st Air and Space Operations Group, and Director of the Joint Air Component Coordination Element, 1st Air Force, and a native of Puerto Rico, speaking as both a military professional deeply involved in coordinating the military relief effort and as someone with family and a deep personal stake in what’s happening on the island. Valle spoke to the Huffington Post on Sept. 29. He is quite angry about the misinformation being spread about Trump and the federal/military effort, by the anti-Trump opportunists.

“It’s just not true,” Colonel Valle says. “As a Puerto Rican, I can tell you that the problem has nothing to do with the U.S. military, FEMA, or the DOD.”

Valle points out that the problem isn’t getting relief supplies to the island, but getting them distributed. This is because of the lack of truck drivers. The truck drivers aren’t going to work, because they’re dealing with the same conditions as everyone else. “They can’t get to work, the infrastructure is destroyed, they can’t get fuel themselves, and they can’t call us for help, because there’s no communication. The will of the people of Puerto Rico is off the charts. The truck drivers have families to take care of, many of them have no food or water. They have to take care of their families’ needs before they go off to work, and once they do go, they can’t call home.

“Yes, people are in need of food and water and medical supplies and power; I personally know the people here, and they are very grateful for what we are doing. I’m passionate and I’m proud of the response. We did the same response for Hurricane Irma in Florida as for Puerto Rico with Maria,” Colonel Valle says. “To say that we are not providing all of the help and resources needed is just not true. Distribution is the key, and we are working day and night on it…. It’s going to take the resource of time.”

Another refutation comes from retired Navy Capt. Jerry Hendrix, whose lengthy résumé is filled with professional qualifications and academic credentials, including expertise in disaster response, and who is now the director of the Navy History Center in Washington, D.C. He surprised his Bloomberg interviewer by telling him that the criticism of Trump is not justified at all.

“First of all, there was a fair amount of anticipatory action that is not being recognized,” he said in the Sept. 30 interview. “Amphibious ships, including the light amphibious carriers Kearsarge and Wasp and the amphibious landing ship dock Oak Hill, were at sea and dispatched to Puerto Rico ahead of the hurricane’s impact.” The fact that these ships are designed to send and support Marines in operations ashore also makes them excellent platforms for supporting disaster-relief operations, because of their capacity to operate aircraft and their well decks, from which landing craft can be sent to shore with up to 150 tons of cargo.

The hospital ship USNS Comfort, while sporting a huge medical capability, lacks the ability to operate landing craft and has only limited helicopter capability, so it has to be pier side to be most effective. The ship was designed to support large military operations and it takes time to prepare it to go to sea; it is not, Hendrix stressed, an “emergency response” ship.


British Empire’s Royal United Services Institute Presents Its Plan for War in Asia

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Director-General of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in the U.K., has issued (with stiff upper lip) a plan for unleashing complete hell in Asia through a war on North Korea. RUSI properly describes itself “an independent thinktank engaged in cutting edge defense and security research. A unique institution, founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington, RUSI embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defense and security matters.”

The executive summary of the report by Professor Chalmers, modestly titled “Preparing for a Second Korean War,” opines that “the U.K. needs to start thinking now about its response to what would be one of the most momentous strategic shocks of the post-Cold War era.”

He states that “War is now a real possibility. With North Korea making rapid progress in its missile and nuclear programs, time is not on diplomacy’s side.” As usual, he calls for American brawn to follow the lead of British brains. U.S. President Donald Trump, he argues, has determined that “classical deterrence theory is not applicable.”

He describes his cold-blooded plan for a jolly good war: “The war could start in a variety of ways: North Korea could strike first if it believed that the U.S. were moving towards a surprise attack; or a U.S. attack might be triggered by North Korean test missiles hitting the ocean near Guam or California. If war were to begin, it is likely to involve a large-scale U.S.-led air and cyber offensive at an early stage, followed by massive North Korean retaliation against South Korea and U.S. bases in the region, using conventional, chemical and possibly nuclear weapons. In these circumstances, a full-scale invasion of North Korea would be highly likely. Casualties in such a conflict would likely reach the hundreds of thousands, even if no nuclear weapons were used. There could be far-reaching consequences for the global economy, involving sustained disruption of vital supply chains and markets. If the U.S. were to launch a preventive strike without South Korea’s agreement, it would be seen as signifying a willingness to sacrifice Seoul.”

This is why the British Empire must be destroyed.


Philippine Journalist Reports New Chinese Investments in His Country

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—Manila Bulletin journalist Anor Lopez Sunday reported on his attendance at the 2017 Media Cooperation Forum on the Belt and Road, which was also attended by EIR’s Michael Steger. Lopez called his article, “The Chinese Solution to the World’s Challenges—Belt and Road,” and began: “What other nations dream of, China, which has the second largest economy in the world, has already achieved at home—infrastructure, technology, stable economy and flourishing trade.”

After a description of the conference, quoting from journalists who attended from around the world, and describing the extent of projects being driven by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Lopez announced that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) last week made its first investment in the Philippines, agreeing to extend $207.63 million to co-finance the $500 million Metro Manila Flood Management project. The remaining cost will be supplied by the World Bank and the Philippine government. This project has been on the books for decades, but there were never the funds to build it—which led to many deaths and massive damage in the several severe floods of the nation’s capital.

Lopez continued: “The warming of Philippine-China relations has translated to economic benefits. Chinese Ambassador to Manila Zhao Jianhua noted that China is now the largest trading partner, largest import market and fourth largest export destination of the Philippines.”

And people wonder why President Rodrigo Duterte has opened up to China rather than following Obama’s effort to provoke a war.

No Home in India Without Electricity by 2019, Modi Promises

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—In order to fulfill the promise he made earlier to the Indian electorate during the 2014 general elections, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a $2.5 billion scheme to bring electricity to all homes in the country by December 2018, reported the Indian media. In a speech addressing the nation last week, Modi said: “Forty million of the total 250 million households still don’t have power, which means 25% of people are living in the 18th Century. The government will electrify every household, whether it’s in a village, city or a remote region,” the Straits Times reported on Sept. 27.

Nearly 304 million Indians do not have access to electricity, accounting for about a quarter of the global population living without power, according to Niti Aayog, a government think-tank that Modi set up to replace India’s former Planning Commission. Several concentrations are in rural areas, where state power retailers are reluctant to supply electricity, because returns fall below the investment made in infrastructure.

On the ground, India is generating enough surplus electricity to light up every home. However, the last-mile connectivity, the cost of which has to be met by consumers, was proving to be a hurdle in achieving the goal of lighting every household. Addressing the issue, Modi said in his speech: “No fee will be charged for electricity connection in households of poor citizens.”

The Prime Minister’s plan, named “Saubhagya” (“Good Fortune”), will be funded by a mix of federal government grants, investment by state utilities, and loans, according to a statement, according to available reports.


Trump’s Nuclear Regulatory Committee Renews Licenses for Bay City, Texas Nuclear Reactors

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—In a bold move, the Trump administration on Sept. 28 authorized the recertification of the two nuclear reactors of the South Texas Project, in Bay City, just south of Houston. The plant’s two 1300 megawatt reactors provide power to 2 million homes and employment for 1,200 people.

According to a proud spokesman for the company, during Hurricane Harvey in late August, the reactors “provided safe, reliable electricity to millions of Texans” throughout the storm.

Built in the 1980s, the plants’ two 20-year licenses were not technically due to expire until 2027 and 2028, but in the Obama environment, the owners had already begun the process of application, expecting a long ordeal. Ironically, one of the greenies’ ”complaints” was that the population was at risk of radiation exposure should the plant be struck by a hurricane!

All that is past, now, with Trump’s Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) now having certified the plants to operate until 2047 and 2048, respectively.

Last year, the NRC authorized the construction of two additional reactors at the Bay City site, but construction has not been started because of financial conditions caused by cheap natural gas (from fracking), and highly subsidized “renewable” wind and solar sources.


The Kurdish Referendum in Iraq: A Bluff or Calculated Escalation?

Oct. 2 (EIRNS)—The population of the Iraqi Kurdish region voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence in a referendum that was held on Sept. 25th. The central Iraqi government rejected the result immediately, and the Iraqi parliament rejected the referendum itself on Sept. 12, calling it unconstitutional.

Although Iraqi Constitution divided Iraq into federal regions, the Constitution following the 2003 Anglo-American invasion requires a unanimous agreement among all parts of Iraq on any changes pertaining to the national territory and political system of the country. Furthermore, the Kurdish government has taken over and illegally annexed territories reclaimed from the terrorist organization IS in Kirkuk and Mosul; thus, holding a referendum in these areas is also illegal. In addition, Kirkuk, with its massive oil reserves, on which the Kurdish government has built great illusions of wealth, is a disputed territory, because it includes other ethnic groups such as Turkmen and Arabs.

All neighboring countries, Iran, Turkey, and Syria (which all have Kurdish minorities within their territories), rejected the referendum. Aside from Israel, whose government welcomed the referendum and its results, no other international power has welcomed it. On the contrary, the UN Security Council issued a unanimous statement on Thursday, Sept. 21, in which the member states expressed concern over the potentially destabilizing impact of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s plans to unilaterally hold a referendum in the next week. The members also expressed their continuing respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity of Iraq, and urged all outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to be resolved, in accordance with the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution.

While the constitutionality of the Kurdish referendum is a key legal point to reject it, the strategic implications are even more important. It is generally recognized in the region that the move by the leadership of the Iraqi Kurdish region, especially K.R.G. President Masoud Barzani, will not lead to the establishment of an independent Kurdish state. A Kurdish state in this region is not sustainable, and the neighbors of the landlocked Iraqi Kurdistan can easily, even passively, render it obsolete, by simply stopping all trade with it.

Even among the Kurdish political groups, there is a range of disputes, as Barzani and his family have turned the Kurdish region into more or less a feudal estate under the Barzani clan and their Democratic Party of Kurdistan, with influence in Dohuk and parts of Erbil, but not in Sulaimaniya and Kirkuk where the Union Party of Kurdistan and Parti Goran (Change Party) are bitter rivals.

A senior Iraqi Foreign Ministry official, himself a Kurd, told EIR recently that he thinks Barzani’s move is reckless, and would damage the Kurdish cause rather than help it. The official referenced the regional complexities that will make it impossible to establish a Kurdish state, and will lead the Kurds of Iraq into losing the very agreeable privileges and terms of autonomy they have been given in recent years.

Barzani is adamant because:

1. He wishes to gain a status of confederacy within Iraq, but not independence, using this referendum as a bargaining chip. This coheres with the policies pushed by the British and the United States in recent years to weaken and divide the central governments of the large countries in the Middle East by creating smaller and smaller entities along ethnic and religious lines. In Syria, too, the idea of a confederation is being floated; the United States is already backing Kurdish militias to control large swaths of the country under the pretext of fighting IS.

2. Barzani and the Kurdish region of Iraq are being prepared to play a role in a potential political/military escalation against Iran, using Kurdish groups like Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), which launched operations from within Iraqi Kurdistan to attack Iranian army posts in the summer of 2011.

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