Humans Are Free

Humans Are Free-Blog

7 Ways You Can Attract Positive Karma In Your Life

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 09:00 PM PDT

The sentence “You reap what you sow,” best described what karma is. Generally, it is the energy that we are sending to the universe and is coming back to us.

Every action holds certain karma and we can’t always control what we are doing. Even when we suffer the consequences of our mindless actions most of us cannot find the pattern between our actions and the situation.

It is always best to be mindful of the intentions behind our actions to avoid negative consequences or bad karma.

To have a good karma, there are certain things we can do under our power.

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5 Common Mistakes People Make on Their Spiritual Journey

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:00 PM PDT

“I still have a long way to go, but I’m already so far from where I used to be, and I’m proud of that.” ~ Unknown

Just like any student, I’ve made mistakes throughout my spiritual journey.

Although I prefer to see mistakes as learning opportunities, below are a few things I’ve learned not to do through my years of meditation and detox weekends and constant effort to stay on the divine side of life.

1. Constantly looking for answers externally

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If You Have THIS Blood Type, You Might Have Alien DNA

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 07:00 PM PDT

We are all aware of the four common blood types we already know which are O, AB, B, and A. The reason why blood types are different in the first place is because each of those blood types depends entirely on the proteins within the blood.

However, with a newly discovered blood type that is RH negative could potentially mean that you could be a person who has alien DNA.

As to why that is, studies have concluded that RH negative blood types do not possess the essential evolutionary gene from rhesus monkeys that a majority of other humans already have.

With that being said, since we all essentially came from monkeys, how is that some of us do not have the rhesus monkey gene?

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