The British Empire is Major Part of ZIONIST Empire (Satanists)
On June 22, China’s top foreign policy official Yang Jiechi met with President Trump, who said that the United States is willing to cooperate on projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative. Several other events over the past few days have demonstrated that the United States is now responding to the call issued by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche three years ago: the U.S. is joining the New Silk more
Diane Sare and EIR’s Paul Gallagher join Matthew Ogden during our live Friday webcast today at 2:30 pm more
With the sudden increase of tension between the United States and Russia in Syria , and the looming NYC infrastructure crisis about to wreak chaos in July, it’s time to remember the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche. It’s the British who sucker us into destructive wars abroad, and destroy us at home by manipulating us with their monetary system. Clip is from a September 8, 2009 more