Humans Are Free Blog

Humans Are Free-Blog

The Final Return To The Matrix

Posted: 31 May 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Many people have had the taste of what the joy and peace of 5d is like, and have had one foot in 5d while holding the other in 3d.

However, some may find themselves being drawn back to 3d for a short period of time. Why on Earth would you ever want to re-enter the matrix after having a taste of the good life?

If you have been struggling outside of the matrix, this may be one of the most important articles you can read right now.

We are all doing the best we can in this tumultuous time of change that has long been foretold of. While watching so many people fall into dire straits, we continue to do our “work” on ourselves and try to act by the Golden Rule.

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Here’s Why Pediatricians Say Scrap the Fruit Juice

Posted: 31 May 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Fruit juice has been marketed (and in some cases, recommended by physicians) as a healthy, natural source of vitamins and calcium. 

Kids like the way it tastes — in fact, children and adolescents continue to be the highest consumers of fruit juice and juice drinks, but nutritional benefits are very questionable.

There is no reason to include them in the diets of children less than a year old, the American Academy of Pediatrics now says.

Steven Abrams, MD, chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin, co-authored the policy statement, released today. It also recommends limited consumption for older children and adolescents.

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Netflix Documentary Links John Podesta to Pedophile Ring

Posted: 31 May 2017 08:00 PM PDT

Netflix documentary series ‘The Keepers‘ links Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a high-level government pedophile ring.

The show documents a government-connected pedophile ring involving the Catholic church and the murder of a woman who was about to come forward to the police with damning evidence about the abuse committed against various children.

The show vindicates what alternative media websites have been saying for years – namely that elite pedophile rings operate within the highest echelons of government involving famous politicians and world leaders, and confirms that such scandals are systematically covered up by the powers-that-be in collusion with our media institutions.

In the show, tesimony makes reference to a man nicknamed ‘Skippy’ who was involved in Cathy’s murder. ‘Skippy’ is the nickname John Podesta used as detailed in various emails leaked to WikiLeaks.

He was described as a man with brown hair and a mustache, just like the picture of Podesta below:

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The Bankster Families and the History of Money

Posted: 31 May 2017 07:00 PM PDT

Tell someone you are going to a convention of accountants and you might get a few yawns, yet money and how it works is probably one of the most interesting things on earth. 

It is fascinating and almost magical how money appeared on our planet. Unlike most developments we enjoy, which can be traced back to a source, civilisation or inventor, money appeared in places then unconnected all over the world in a remarkably simular way.

Consider the American Indians using Wampum, West Africans trading in decorative metallic objects called Manillas and the Fijians economy based on whales teeth, some of which are still legal tender; add to that shells, amber, ivory, decorative feathers, cattle including oxen & pigs, a large number of stones including jade and quartz which have all been used for trade across the world, and we get a taste of the variety of accepted currency.

There is something charming and childlike imagining primitive societies, our ancestors, using all these colourful forms of money. As long as everyone concerned can agree on a value, this is a sensible thing for a community to do.

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