Note Paragraph 2: The Zionist Neocons (SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN) & Their Exceptionalism Mantra
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Paul Craig Roberts
Institute for Political Economy
Truth Has Become Un-American
Those of us who have exited The Matrix are concerned that there are no checks on Washington’s use of nuclear weapons in the interest of US hegemony over the world.
Washington and Israel are the threats to peace. Washington demands world hegemony, and Israel demands hegemony in the Middle East.
There are two countries that stand in the way of Washington’s world hegemony—Russia and China. Consequently, Washington has plans for preemptive nuclear strikes against both countries. It is difficult to imagine a more serious threat to mankind, and there is no awareness or acknowledgment of this threat among the Congress, the presstitute media, and the general public in the United States and Washington’s European vassal populations.
Two countries and a part of a third stand in the way of Greater Israel. Israel wants the water resources of southern Lebanon, but cannot get them, despite twice sending in the Israeli Army, because of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which is supplied by Syria and Iran. This is why Syria and Iran are on Washington’s hit list. Washington serves the military/security complex, Wall Street and the over-sized US banks, and Israel.
It is unclear if the Russians and Chinese understand that Washington’s hostility toward them is not just some sort of misunderstanding that diplomacy can work out.
Clearly, Russia hasn’t interfered in the US presidential election or invaded Ukraine, and does not intend to invade Poland or the Baltics. Russia let go the Soviet empire and is glad to see it gone, as the empire was expensive and of little benefit. The Soviet Eastern European empire comprised Stalin’s buffer against another Western invasion. The Warsaw Pact had no offensive meaning. It was not the beginning, as misrepresented in Washington, of Soviet world domination.
I see a lack of clarity about the threat that Russia faces in Russian media reports and articles posted on Russian English language websites. I see a lack of clarity in Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s continued efforts to work out an accommodation with Washington. How can Lavrov work out an accommodation with Washington when Washington intends to dominate or isolate Russia?
Lavrov and Russian media organizations do not always show awareness that it is not Washington’s intention to accommodate other national interests.
It cannot be otherwise for these three reasons:
- The budget for the US military/security complex is the largest in the world. It is larger than the Gross Domestic Product of many countries. It includes not only the Pentagon’s budget but also the budgets of 16 US intelligence agencies and the Department of Energy, which is the location of the Oak Ridge nuclear weapons plant and 16 other national laboratories. When all the elements are added together, the military/security complex has annually the power and profit from $1,000 billion. An empire of this sort just doesn’t give up and go away because some president or some part of the electorate want peace. The “Russian Threat” is essential to the power and profit of the military/security complex, about which President Eisenhower warned Americans 56 years ago. Just imagine how entrenched this power is now.
- The neoconservatives, who control both US foreign policy and the Western media’s explanation of it, are mainly Jews of Zionist persuasion. Some are dual Israeli-US citizens. The neoconservatives believe that the collapse of Soviet communism means that History has chosen the United States as the socio-politico-economic system, and that the US government has the responsibility to assert the hegemony of America over the earth. Just read the neocon documents. They assert this over and over. This is what it means that America is the exceptional and indispensable nation. If you are the indispensable nation, every other nation is dispensable. If you are exceptional, everyone else is unexceptional. The claim that the neoconservatives make for the US is similar to the claim that Hitler made for Germany.
- As Israel controls US Middle East policy, Israel uses its control to have Washington eliminate obstacles to Israel’s expansion. So far Israel has achieved the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s government and chaos in Iraq, Washington’s war on Syria, and Washington’s demonization of Iran in the hope that sufficient demonization will justify war.
For the Russian Foreign Minister to believe that it is possible to reach an accommodation with Washington, other than a Russian surrender, is nonsense. Perhaps this is Lavrov’s use of diplomacy to delay the US attack while Russia prepares. Or perhaps Lavrov is just a diplomat who sticks to his last, despite the facts.
Much of the Russian media, both in Russian and foreign language broadcasts and websites, thinks that the Western misrepresentation of Russia is just a mistake and that that facts, once they are established, can rectify the mistake. These Russian journalists don’t understand that Washington could not care less about facts. Washington desperately needs an enemy, and Russia is the enemy of choice. (Don’t forget how Zionists HATE Christians. – My Comment)
The Chinese government seems to think that Wall Street and US corporations are too dependent on the cheap Chinese manufacturing labor, which keeps the US system fueled with profits, to jeopardize these profits by going to war. (My Comment: They think the American Zionist opposition thinks like they do. I beg to differ.)
By underplaying the risk of war, Russia and China fail to mobilize world opposition to Washington’s recklessness and, thereby, enable Washington’s move toward war.
The presstitutes serving the National Security State continue to drive toward conflict. Consider Newsweek’s May 26, 2017, cover story with Putin on the cover and the caption: “The Plot Against America: Inside Putin’s Campaign to Destroy Democracy in the U.S.” (My Comment: Newsweek is just another Zionist rag.)
It is difficult to imagine such ignorant nonsense from a mainstream news magazine. Democracy in America has been destroyed by special interest groups (My Comment: Almost 100% of “Special Interest Groups” are Zionist interest groups), by a US Supreme Court decision (staffed by Zionists & Zionist puppets-My Comment again) that gave the reins of power to special interest groups, and by a hoax war on terror (America’s Zionist owned 96%-Media. My Comment) that has destroyed the US Constitution. And here we have the presstitutes saying that Putin is destroying American democracy. (My Comment: Zionist Synagogue of Satan is all lies and deceit.) Clearly, there is no extant intelligence anywhere in the Western media. (Western Media is Zionist Media.) The Western presstitutes are either corrupt beyond belief or ignorant beyond belief. Nothing else can be said for them.
Consider Time magazine’s cover (Time is another Zionist Rag. My Comment). It depicts Trump turning the White House into the foundation for the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral, which rise above the White House, symbolizing America’s subservience to Russia under President Trump. This extraordinary propaganda seems to be readily accepted by the bulk of the Western populations, peoples who will die as a result of their insouciance.
Even writers critical of Washington, such as Paul Street’s recent article on CounterPunch and the English language Russian website, Strategic Culture Foundation, cannot bring themselves to state the truth that the US military/security complex needs a major enemy, has elected Russia for that role, and intends to defend this orchestration to the end of humanity on earth.
Street writes about “How Russia Became ‘Our Adversary’ Again.” According to Street, Russia became the enemy of choice because Russia protected part of the world’s population and resources from being exploited by global capital. Russia became the number one enemy of the US also because Putin stopped the American exploitation of Russia economically. Putin is in the way of Washington’s exploitation of the world.
Much of what Street says is correct, but he is hesitant to state it in a straightforward manner. He has to dilute his message by repeating the obligatory propaganda. Street calls Trump, who originally wanted normal relations with Russia, an “orange-haired brute . . . [who admires] Putin’s authoritarian manliness.”
Trump’s problems originated in his goal of normalizing relations with Russia. Hillary is the brute who intended to worsen the relations.
Putin is a democrat, not an authoritarian. The authoritarians are in Washington. Surely Paul Street and CounterPunch know this. But Street has to protect himself from speaking some politically incorrect truths about the US and Russia by throwing in some anti-Putin propaganda and denigrating President Trump.
That peace with Russia and China would undermine the justification of the $1,000 billion military/security budget, and that the military/security complex is the American government, is too much truth for most writers to state.
Truth is the most rare element in the Western world, and we will not be permitted to have much of it much longer. Increasingly, truth is difficult to find. Soak it up while it is still available
My Comment: My comments interspersed within this article are in bold parentheses because I want to emphasize how Amerika is completely dominated by the Zionists who are the Synagogue of Satan-full of lies and deceits. Our Media is at least 96% owned by them as is our military-security complex (they make loads of money from it), they are profiting from Chinese cheap labor & marketing Chinese goods, they own Hillary Clinton who is a Zionist, they own our Congress via Zionist lobbying, and they hate Donald Trump because he is not 100% their slave. Zionists want no peace with anyone but lie and deceive us via Media into pretending they want peace always telling lies to convince the American public it is the other sides’ fault that there is no peace in the world. Meanwhile Amerika has war after war after war (65+) which the Zionists & their children are exempted from fighting and Kissinger (Zionist) describes the military here as “dumb, stupid cattle to be used as pawns for (Zionist) foreign policy” meaning aggressive coups against sovereign nations. Look up how Rupert Murdock, Zionist and Rothschild’s, Zionist stealing Libyan and Syrian oil while our troops occupied both countries in a war based on Zionist lies & manipulations. Both countries are now terrorist hellholes. Much of our alternative media is afraid to tell the truth about the Zionists and Facebook and Google are owned by Zionists-hence the Censorship against antiwar Activists but NO CENSORSHIP FOR JIHADIST TERRORISTS!