Activist Post Mail

In the 04/17/2017 edition:

The Truth About Vaccines – LIVE TODAY!

We are about to witness one of the most important health debates of the 21st century, and this is your invitation to be a part of it. People are truly passionate about their positions, and that, friends, is a HUGE part of the problem. When emotion interferes with facts, the truth gets lost in the shuffle.

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Russia And China Preparing Alternative Banking Architecture

Apr 17, 2017 11:30 am
By James Corbett, International Forecaster It may have arrived with little fanfare, but Russia’s SWIFT alternative has, more or less, arrived. Speaking in no uncertain…

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Syria “Bus Bombing” Conducted By Terrorists, Not Syrian Government; No Red Lines?

Apr 17, 2017 01:21 am
By Brandon Turbeville Days after pushing the patience of the world with its missile attack on the al-Sha’aryat airbase, America’s puppet troops committed yet another…

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US Presidents Can Grant Immunity To Snooping Spies

Apr 16, 2017 12:45 pm
By Jon Rappoport Sharyl Attkisson reports on methods of covert surveillance. Government agents can’t legally spy on a US citizen? Do the spying in a…

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Facebook Shuts Down Pro Marine Le Pen Posts As French Election Nears

Apr 16, 2017 12:30 pm
By Jon Rappoport Well, sure. Wouldn’t you? The woman is running for the presidency of France. She wants to reverse the tide of immigration in…

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US Corporate Media Runs Fake Chinese Headline That Almost Kicked Off WW3

Apr 16, 2017 12:15 pm
By Matt Agorist All too often, the American citizens and the rest of the world at large put so much faith in mainstream media that…

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