Vaxxed Censored in Europe by Zionist European Media (EU is Zionist Creation)

Vaxxed has finally made it to Europe! Vaxxed was initially scheduled to be screened at the European Parliament in Brussels on February 9 as part of a conference on vaccine safety organized and hosted by French MEP Michèle Rivasi. Some Members of the European Parliament decided to censor the film and prevent it from screening there. Both the screening and this unprecedented vaccine safety conference moved locations and still took place on February 9th at Espace Lumen with a discussion following that included the film’s director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier, MEP Michele Rivasi, and the Italian nanotechnology researcher Stefano Montanari.

An additional debate on vaccine safety was also hosted at Espace Lumen later that same afternoon. Open to the public of Brussels, this second debate lined up several major experts on the question of vaccine safety from different European countries, including Ms. Senta Depuydt, Journalist and Whistleblower from Belgium, Professors Stefano Montanari and Maria Antonietta Gatta, specialists of nanoparticles in vaccines from Italy, Dr. Kris Gaublomme, President of the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance from the UK, Ms. Sophie Guillot, whistleblower and speaker for Info Vaccin Prevenar organization from France, Mr. Augustin de Livois, Whistleblower from France, Dr. Stefan Schmidt Troschke, Pediatrician and director of Hedercke Hospital from Germany and Dr. Srecko Sladojlev, Immunologist and whistleblower from Croatia. This second debate was followed by an additional screening of Vaxxed with 300 people in attendance over the entire day.

Vaxxed was also scheduled to screen in Paris on Monday, February 13th, by the same MEP, as part of a vaccine safety debate to take place at a City Hall venue in the 2nd arrondissement That screening was cancelled by the Mayor of Paris and her cabinet who never even saw the film. The screening and vaccine safety debate, with Wakefield in attendance, was moved to the Elysée-Biarritz cinema, with 155 people in attendance and a clear “Stop the Censure” message by the public.

Vaxxed finished its first European tour of the 2017 season in London, where a premiere at the Curzon Cinemas was also cancelled due to a phone campaign organized by the same opposition group. The February 14th London premiere of Vaxxed, co-organized by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV), was moved to an alternate venue and continued with director Wakefield in attendance.

Three hundred fifty people attended the London premiere of the film which was followed by a Q&A and panel on vaccines with various speakers and specialists, such as Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Ms. Brandy Vaughan, Merck Whistleblower Dr. Jayne Donegan, Dr. Kris Gaublomme, MD from Belgium and president of EFVV in the UK, and Ms. Jackie Fletcher, founder of JABS organization (Justice Awareness and Basic Support).

The Q&A and panel started with Andrew Wakefield receiving the 2017 EFVV award from its President, Dr. Kris Gaublomme.

Stay tuned for more news on new screenings in Europe soon!


In London, a premiere at the Curzon Cinemas was also cancelled due to a phone campaign organized by the same opposition group. The February 14th London premiere of Vaxxed was moved to an alternative venue and continued with director Wakefield in attendance.

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