Trump Save’s Carrier’s Jobs-The Best Christmas Present These Workers Could Possibly Have
Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times
“We read and rebut their vile crap so you won’t have to!”
NY Times: Carrier Jobs, Saved by Government
“Saved by government,” eh Rosenthal? For the benefit of readers new to The Anti-New York Times, the word-smith Andrew Rosenthal (cough cough) is the putrid little maggot who gets away with posing as the oh so high and mighty “Editorial Board” of the “paper of record.” One would think that after a full year of spewing venom at the Orange Man, the likes of Rosenthal would at least “lay low” for a few months whilst munching on some kosher humble pie. But then again, humility and self-introspections aren’t exactly characteristics one generally associates with New York chosenites. Instead, Rosenvermin continues to crap out anti-Trumpian hate and nastiness from his mendacious mouth and crooked keyboard. This particular propaganda poop pie is aimed at smearing the salvation of 800 good-paying jobs at a Carrier Air Conditioning plant in Indiana — an achievement made possible by Orange Man’s determination and deal-making.
Be neither afraid nor impressed by all the smoke and noise of the Not-So-High and Not-So-Mighty “Editorial Board”. It’s only a pathetic little word-smith named Andrew Rosenthal typing out lies from behind the curtain. Before we commence to rebut some of Rosencrap’s mishief, let’s give a shout-out to Willis Carrier — the forgotten inventor of modern air-conditioning and refrigeration (1902). The sad fact that a real scientist and inventor (not a mathetematical masturbator like Einstein), whose work so fundamentally improved life for all of humanity, can remain so unknown and unappreciated says much about the times we live in.
Thanks for my refrigerator and air-conditioner, Mr. Carrier.
Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: The holidays came early this year for workers at a Carrier furnace plant in Indiana, who learned on Tuesday that 800 of their jobs would not be moving to Mexico after all. Their good fortune is also an early triumph for the incoming Trump administration.
President-elect had promised during the campaign to stop the offshoring of American manufacturing jobs, and true to that pledge, he …cut a deal with Carrier to keep the jobs in the state.
For the people whose jobs were at stake, the details of the deal are secondary. If they had become unemployed, most of them would not have found new jobs that pay anywhere near the $20 to $25 an hour that veteran line workers earn at the Carrier plant. Rebuttal: A fair and accurate opening. Can you smell the “yeah-but” coming? Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: For everyone else, however, the details do matter, both in themselves and for what they say about how a Trump administration will do business with big business. Rebuttal: There it is! How well do we know the greasy game of semitic semantics, eh? Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: For starters, the populist appeal of the deal far outweighs its practical effect. ….Over all, factory employment in Indiana is down by more than 20 percent since 2000; nationwide, it is down by nearly 30 percent. Stopping the outsourcing of jobs is a worthy goal, but it does not address the underlying trends in technology and public policy that are behind the demise of blue-collar jobs. Rebuttal: So, just because those 800 jobs represent only a small fraction of the jobs that have been lost, the deal should not have been made? That’s like telling a person who just adopted an abused dog, “Big deal. There are still many more dogs that don’t have a home.” What an arrogant butthole!
Trump’s accomplishment at Carrier is driving seditious scribblers like Rosefungus mad with with hate and envy.
Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: It would be naïve to believe that United Technologies — which had estimated it would save $65 million a year by moving the Carrier jobs to Mexico — would give in to Mr. Trump without an expectation of something in return. The State of Indiana has reportedly offered the company $7 million in tax breaks over 10 years to keep the jobs in the state. Rebuttal: “Something in return?” — Notice how the little communist speaks of “tax breaks” as though they are a public handout to the company. It was Carrier’s money to begin with! Now, by keeping more of it, they can keep the plant operating in Indiana instead of Mexico. Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: The most significant benefits could well come in the form of corporate tax cuts …which Mr. Trump has promised, without supplying details. Can there be much doubt that this deal will ultimately save United Technologies more than it would have saved by moving the Carrier jobs to Mexico? Rebuttal: Again, note the communist arrogance. To someone like Rosenscat, who evidently believes that Carrier’s revenues and all of our incomes belong to the state, a tax cut is a handout! Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: Mr. Trump campaigned against crony capitalism, but one-on-one deals like this are at best inefficient and at worst riddled with just that kind of corruption. Rebuttal: How is this “crony capitalism?” Carrier isn’t receiving any taxpayer money. Moreover, Orange Man intends to slash (in half!) tax rates for all busineses — not just select “cronies”. Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: As a result, the Carrier deal on its own doesn’t offer a template that can be scaled up to protect millions of workers whose futures are threatened by offshoring or technological change. Rebuttal: Actually, Rosenscum, the Carrier deal does “offer a template that can be scaled up.” Many other businesess will stay in the USA if the tax rates and regulatory burdens (like ObongoCare & EPA regs) are slashed. Duh!
It is not rocket science, folks. High taxes and excessive regulations (which are both overhead costs) place a heavy burden on economic activity. Reducing the tax rates and regs alleviates the burden and stimulates commerce and investment.
Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: But there may be ways to get closer to that goal. Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed denying future federal contracts to businesses that plan to move more than 50 jobs out of the United States. Rebuttal: Rosenvomit! It is precisely because of tax-crazed, regulation-crazed communist mad men like your beloved Bernie Sanders that so many businesses want to escape Soviet America in the first place! Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: The Carrier deal stands as an interesting argument against longstanding Republican economic orthodoxy. In making the deal, Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence have embraced the idea that the government does indeed have a role to play in the free market. They intervened, and as a result, 800 people will keep their jobs. Rebuttal: No, Rosenrectum. Trump and Pence did not “intervene” in the market place. Exactly the opposite is true. The original “intervention” consisted of the high corporate taxes, Federal support of labor unions, and all unnecessary regulations. Another artificial intervention would have involved direct taxpayer subsidies paid the Carrier. That is not what happened here. A tax cut actually amounts to a reduction of state intervention, nitwit. Tax cuts are not welfare schemes! Rosenthal, er, “The Editorial Board”: If they applied the same interventionist approach to other labor issues — raising the minimum wage and expanding overtime pay come to mind — millions of working people might actually stand a chance. Rebuttal: Actually, Rosenscum, “millions of working people” would lose their part-time service sector jobs if the minimum wage were to be jacked up to $15. And the manufacturing jobs that Trump intends to save and bring back often pay to $25 per hour and up. This just in, from the Wall Street Urinal. Read it and weep, Rosenbarf—– and then bitch and whine some more over the fact that Orange Man is already running economic rings around your Golden Faggot Boys Mr. & Mr. Obongo:
Trump Targets Second Indiana Plant Over Plans to Shift to MexicoRexnord is expected to move production of industrial bearings from Indianapolis to Mexico next year, eliminating about 300 jobs(here)
One gets the impression that if Orange Man were to make the heavens open up and rain down milk & honey, the nay-saying libtard scum of Sulzberger’s Slimes and the Piranha Press would complain that the milk was a bit too warm and the honey not quite sweet enough. Such disgusting and heartless little people!
Trump’s next job-loss-prevention project is Rexnord. — The Slimes and some self-described “free market” purists will surely attack him for that as well.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump gave away millions of dollars in order to keep Carrier in Indiana. Boobus Americanus 2: I knew there had to be a catch. |