Riot Police in formation behind the “Welcome to Bismarck” sign as Water Protectors peacefully demonstrate and spread their message around Bismarck and Mandan, ND. Photo Photo by Rob Wilson Photography
Water Protectors again took to the streets in Bismarck and Mandan to spread their message and voice their opposition to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Each day they were met with a small contingent of pro-DAPL counter protesters as well as a heavy police presence – leading to Cass County law enforcement actually beating a veteran and placing a hood over his head as he was taken into custody (after picking a flower). Water Protectors demonstrated outside the National Guard headquarters, the Wells Fargo Bank, the ND State Bank, the federal building, the Morton County Jail and Courthouse.

A veteran being taken into custody after picking a flower – he was beaten and had a hood placed over his head as he was taken into custody in downtown Bismarck, ND – just outside the Wells Fargo Bank. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

A veteran beaten by police after picking a flower – he was later hooded and taken into custody outside the Wells Fargo in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

Riot Police with their LRAD between the Jail and Courthouse in Mandan, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography.

Water Protectors and Riot Police outside the Wells Fargo bank in downtown Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography.

Water Protector holding up a cross in front of the formation of Riot Police in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

“Protect NOT Protest” – “Water is Life” – Water Protectors moving to another location walk with Riot Police. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography.
I believe the woman in purple was one of the officers that quit & joined the Protectors ?

ND National Guard leader respectfully listening to what the Water Protectors have to say in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

Water Protectors taking their message directly to the National Guard in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

Riot Police guarding the Wellls Fargo bank in downtown Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

Riot Police outside the federal building in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography

Water Protectors peacefully gathered outside the federal building in Bismarck, ND. Photo by Rob Wilson Photography
This next Video is from the Houston Stands with Standing Rock Event..