As The World Goes To Hell…Freemasonry Is The Common Denominator
By Henry Makow, Ph.D
In the past, I ascribed humanity’s woes to a conspiracy of inbred British aristocrats, their American toadies, Zionists and central bankers. So far I have overlooked the most important ingredient, the “Freemasons” the world’s largest secret society with five million members (including three million Americans.) Only their inner circles are aware that the “Craft” is in fact devoted to satanism.
The conspirators all belong to it. George W. Bush is a member. As a student at Yale Bush joined its “Skull and Bones” chapter and referred to it in August 2000 in these terms: “My heritage is part of who I am.”
Dick Cheney and Colin Powell are also high level Freemasons. So is Al Gore and Ariel Sharon. Past Presidents FDR, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan and Lyndon Johnson were also members. So are Henry Kissinger, Allen Greenspan and World Bank President James Wolfensohn. In fact devil worship seems to be a prerequisite for power and success today.
Freemasonry has been blamed for many cases of child sexual abuse and ritual murder. (Search “ritual and sexual abuse + freemasonry” in Google.) There are at least three books out about people who claim to have been brainwashed and sexually exploited as children by certain members of our power elite. “The Franklin Cover-Up” (get the 2nd. Edition, 1996) by John W. DeCamp describes a homosexual and satanic child sex ring based in Omaha, which serviced members of the Reagan administration. In “Trans-formation of America,” (1995) Cathy O’Brien describes her experiences as a mind-controlled sex slave with members of the current and past administrations.
It gets more bizarre. In addition to oil, the war against Iraq is part of a long-term plan to establish the rule of satan on earth. The New World Order is Masonic in character. Sadaam Hussein (and Islam in general) represent an obstacle to the Masonic plan to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This will be the seat of a new world religion subtly devoted to Lucifer.
The war is the latest in a step-by-step plan to enslave humanity. For example, the United Nations’ true character is revealed by the fact that the only religious chapel at its headquarters is run by a satanic cult, the “Lucis Trust.” The name was changed from Lucifer Trust to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous. For more background, see an online article by Lyndon LaRouche entitled “The Real History of Satanism.” .
The Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like “economic justice” and “international peace.” They are drafting a new world constitution called the “Earth Charter” which will have the authority of holy writ. Later this year, the Earth Charter will be presented to the United Nations in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant. Stephen Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is behind this initiative.
According to Joseph Farah, “these are dangerous and diabolical folks making long-term plans to seize even more power and destroy any vestige of freedom left in the world.” (Rockefeller-sponsored Socialism, World Net Daily, Sept. 24)
I don’t have the heart (or stomach) to explore the philosophy of Freemasonry in detail. I refer you to an excellent web site that contains articles and a list of over 50 books. It is called “Freemason Watch” . –
I only want to point out the essential difference between a true religion like Islam or Christianity and a naturalistic cult like Freemasonry. A true religion believes that God is the ultimate Reality (Truth, Love) and that man has the Spirit of God within. “God is a spirit and we worship him in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) Liberation is defined as overcoming the limitations of ego. This is what it means to be “born again.” Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32).
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