Monthly Archive: February 2016

10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids… › Activism May 10, 2012 · 10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids … The pyramids are falling...

MY COMMENT: Amazing: Hemp oil cured man’s stage 4 pancreatic cancer … ▶ 9:20 Sep 24, 2014 – Uploaded by Truth is at my core. Wallace Rose was cured of his terminal cancer using...

Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016MIND CONTROL ‘The reality is that we are all being conditioned to think and believe certain things without any rational explanation through...

HEADLINES: 24TH FEBRUARY 2016 PREV DAY The Video Game That Made Elon Musk Question If Our Reality Is A Simulation BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016WHAT IS REALITY? ‘In June, a team of programmers...

Boris bows to Bibi: UK obeys Israel’s demand to remove pro-BDS posters from London Tube BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016UNCATEGORISED ‘Posters promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement that criticized the policies...

Israel Announces $26 Million Cyberattack on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement and Muslims in the West BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016ILLUMINATI CRIMINALS, POLITICAL MANIPULATION, THE POLICE STATE, WAR AND TERROR ‘The Israeli government...