No one here in Ukraine talks about where GOLD RESERVES are deposited. Because most of the people are now struggling to merely survive. Thanks to the US-inspired and sponcered Maydan revolution (God damn it!) the economics of the country continue a free fall for the second year in a row. National currency collapsed 3-fold within one year period making many people face hunger. I had to give up using my car and resort to public transport for the first time since 2002 spending up to 60% of my monthly income for food. I don’t think you can even imagine how bad things are here in Ukraine. This is not something CNN will report on. Worst still, Mass Media turned people into zombies blaming Russia for the ordeal. But this is easy to explain. Russian channels had been banned in Ukraine in March 2013 and ukrainian channels keep ramming in heads of ukrainians day and night that Russia is leading the war against Ukraine by supplying soldiers and guns to the DPR. Nothing is said in the ukrainian media that ukrainian national brigades raped, pillaged and killed hundreds of locals on territories “liberated” from rebells. In fact, they bahave like true fascists when those conquered enemy lands. Little is said by western media that there is a full scale terror compaign against dissidents. A dozen prominent dissident such as a famous journalist Oles Buzina, ex-deputy Miroshnichenko, ex-deputy Chechetov and lots of others have been eaither killed lately in the broad daylight by the nationalists or led to conclude a suicide had been committed. Have you hear about this? Authorities backed up by the US have sent a clear mesage that those who stand out against them will be murdered.The world is covered with a net of blatant lies spread by mainstream corporate media. We are so sick of the whole thing. Now they send around call-up papers making us participate in the massacra. The choice is very simply either to pay a bribe of USD 3000 for the Military Registration Office to fake you unfit for the military service or serve in the military which means you will have to proceed to the combat zone with a high chance of lethal outcome or disability occurring. Failure to report to the military Registration office incurs up to 8 years of imprisonment! Lots of people in the military have become very rich here. Everybody knows about this in Ukraine still nothing changes because the brides trace leads to supreme authorities in Kiev… This is exactly what UKRAINE is really about these days. I pray GOD this ordeal ends up one day with Russia taking power over in Ukraine. But this is impossible with the US fervently interfering within the affairs of all countries in the world that will not do without the US loosing its hold of the world reign…
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Epstein’s Island Visitors-No Redactions
March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
Mass Murder of Christian Women in Syria By CIA Created ISIS
March 10, 2025
Britain’s Future is Bathed in Blood
March 8, 2025
BANKSTERS CRIMES & FRAUD (Secret Society Monarchy)
British Empire..US Colony (Synagogue of Satan)
British Monarchy & Empire (Synagogue of Satan)=ZIONISM
Censorship (Secret Society Monarchy)
Child Abuse/Prostitution (Secret Society Monarchy)
Cover-ups (Secret Society Monarchy)
Criminal Corporations
Depopulation Agenda (Secret Society Monarchy)
Economy/Economic Collapse (Secret Society Monarchy)
Hidden History
illuminati puppets
Mind Control
Murder/Violent Crime
NWO/Nazi Nations
Pedophilia Nonprosecution
Political Corruption/Manipulation
Rape/Torture/Violent Crime
Rothschild Secret Society Mafia (Zionism)Synagogue of Satan
Satanists (ism)
Social Engineering
Synagogue of Satan
Violent criminals (crimes)
We Are Change
WW3-Leading Toward
Your Health
Your Money