Monthly Archive: May 2015

Malfeasance, Sedition

Malfeasance, Sedition

Malfeasance= wrongdoing, especially  by a public official Sedition=conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against a state or monarch Mayor of Baltimore MUST be Charged With Malfeasance and Sedition at the least for allowing...

Hillary Clinton’s Dog Ate Her Homework 1,100 Times POLITICS by Robert Chambers – May 1, 2015 0 11 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been meticulous at erasing her tracks on everything from her “cattle futures windfall” and missing...

    The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated) Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 8, 2015 The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and it’s...

Home  False Flag Events  Jade Helm and… Jade Helm and the American Massacre False Flag Events National Emergency Police State by Zen Gardner – May 1, 2015 8 47 by Zen Gardner I’m prefacing my thoughts with this provocative title...