UN Votes to Condemn US Embargo on Cuba. WTF is This Embargo For?

UN Votes 187-2 to Condemn US Embargo on Cuba

Americans are on the Road to HELL and the Fire & Fury Unleashed on the U.S. WHEN the Dollar Collapses will be like nothing in History.  We are reviled, Hated for Very good reason.  We have used our military to install Satanic Dictatorships on all countries around the world installing criminals robbing everyone of natural resources.  We are rightly hated.The people in every country have starved Because of the United States & Britain.  All Asian countries have been starved and murdered.  Africans and Middle Easterners have been starved and murdered over and over again.  Everybody in the UN Hates Israel AND the United States.

Israel Destroys UNRWA Office in West Bank With Bulldozers

For the Damned Fool Christian Zionists supporting all this they are next.  When Noahide laws are applied they will be lined up outside guillotines to declare their allegiance to Satan or DIE!  While they are in prisons awaiting execution they will be anally raped as well.

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