Don’t Believe the Bullshitters Who Say Arrests of the Corrupt Are Being Made Now


“Americans rightfully doubt election integrity, but it is their job to vote anyway. ARM YOURSELVES – Contact 3 or 4 friends in your neighborhood and make an agreement to protect each other, and have at least 3 – 4 months of food available and PRAY.

My comment: Yep. Scheinbaum is going to have overspill into the U.S., don’t believe the bullshitters who say arrests of the corrupt are being made now, this FBI agent killed his carreer to say this in court, THIS IS NOT OLD, THIS IS TODAY on schedule, as I have stated below in the next posts, IT IS SHOWTIME.

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We are all going down at once, if there is anything that can prove to me that something huge is going down in Mexico when Scheinbaum gets in, this testimony by the FBI agent is it. Like I say below in the following two posts, it’s GAME ON, RIGHT NOW. Mexico will go down at the exact same time the United States goes down. And that happens to be NOW.

This FBI agent is a man of faith who knows what is going on, I would not take this warning lightly.


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