An Honest Article That Makes it Clear What LaRouche Really Stood For-When Criminals Run Your Gov’t Honest Men Go to Prison

Time To Bring Lyndon LaRouche Out Of Exile

Novel thinkers and those with original ideas, coupled with gifts of clairvoyance, are always initially challenged and ostracized by the masses, who are then used by corrupt political leadership to justify horrific actions of exclusion, persecution, and damnation of their enemies.

For more than 50 years, Lyndon LaRouche has been writing, lecturing, teaching, and warning Americans and the rest of the people of the world, about the exact same issues pertaining to economics, global governance, and the agenda of the Oligarch/ Plutocrat/ Deep State lunatic fringe who Donald Trump and the majority of America (and the world) are now fighting against.

To be sure, at the time Lyndon LaRouche was railing against these enemies of humanity in the 1970s and 80s, both before and during the Ronald Reagan administration, his enemies were so strong that they were able to character assassinate and marginalize him from political power, and they were also able to set him up for what he alleges was a false and contrived criminal case, sentencing this wise learned gentleman to prison for many years, where inside he was apparently attacked and attempts were made to murder him.

But Lyndon LaRouche, who is not only one of the world’s greatest thinkers/writers, is also one of its most resilient, and he survived this slow assassination plot hatched by his enemies, and is now living in Germany.

His enemies and betrayers were allegedly people like George H W Bush and the rest of the New World Order globalist/skull and bones secret societies, which were beholden to the City of London within the United Kingdom and its crown, rather than to the United States of America and its People.

To that end Lyndon LaRouche’s enemies have now been revealed, over the past few years especially, to be the enemies of the American People.

One recalls at a media press conference in the late 1990s, wherein James Woolsey, formerly head of the CIA, who is an open and avowed NWO globalist, openly castigated, humiliated, and verbally assaulted a member of the press corp asking a question that was both intelligent and insightful, as soon as Woolsey learned that this media representative was from the Executive Intelligence Review (“EIR”), funded, led and spearheaded by Lyndon LaRouche. James Woolsey has now been banished from the halls of power by the Donald Trump administration and the rest of America, for his political background/motivations have been revealed to the American public and the rest of the world, as have the rest of the rabid Neo-Cons, Neo-Liberals, and other Trotsky-ite communists and Stasi-like proponents of a technocratic global New World Order where the masses are considered cattle, and their ruling Oligarchs/Plutocrats are designed to be their sheep-herders.

Oscar Wilde wrote that “You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies” – well if that is the case then Lyndon LaLarouche may be the second coming of Christ.

Lyndon LaRouche has stated that the people who wanted him dead and gone were entities such as the Queen of the United Kingdom, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Justice Department, and the Mossad.

He further fingered the CIA and British intelligence, as well as Communists, extreme/militant Zionists, Narcotics Gangsters, the Rockefellers, powerful bankers, globalists, Henry Kissinger, Averell Harriman, international socialists and Nazis, and International Terrorists.

Whatever Lyndon LaRouche’s history and evolution throughout his life, much of which has been controversial and difficult to understand, one must admit that this list of enemies is truly impressive, and have now been established to be enemies of the American people and the rest of the world.

The problem is that 40-50 years ago, no one knew who these people were, or why they were motivated against him, as they had a complete and total stranglehold on the media and the power structure within the USA and the world, and so truly no one in the American masses knew about it.

Some of the issues and political agendas of Lyndon LaRouche that he has supported and espoused over the last 40-50 years resulted in his powerful enemies removing him from political power, forcing him away from his American podium, exiling him from the United States of America, and confining him to a prison for a dubious crime like Jean Valjean in Les Misérables:

(1) he is against rabid environmental protectionism, and instead opts for bolstering and growing the American and world economies through manufacturing, industry and great jobs;

(2) he has called out our corrupt political leadership who often engage in behavior/actions against the interests of the American people (and the world) because he has uncovered their allegiance to the City of London in the United Kingdom and British Crown, rather than the interests of the American people;

(3) he is a supporter of the international balance of power approach, against stupid foreign wars of intervention, as he discovered long ago that this was only in the interest of the international Oligarch/Plutocrat elite, while undermining and disenfranchising the American people (and the rest of the world);

(4) he is a supporter of better relations with all nations and countries of the world, trading honestly with all, entangling alliances with none, as was typified and instructed by Thomas Jefferson;

(5) he is a supporter of the BRICS banking paradigm, which seeks to challenge the bankster hegemony being foisted and perpetrated against the third and second world and its people, while simultaneously devaluing American currency and oppressing the citizens of the USA;

(6) he is 100% in favor of bringing high paying quality jobs in manufacturing, industry, and other hard employment with higher salaries and better longevity and working conditions back to the United States, after the awful carnage that was inflicted on the American people by the pro-NAFTA corporate/government fascist crowd, which sent tens of millions of American jobs and its corporations overseas (President Donald Trump has made this a cornerstone of his entire Presidential Administration, if not all of the above issues as well);

(7) he is for abolishing (or at least auditing) the Federal Reserve, which he views as the ultimate harbinger and source of evil, for which countless intellectual luminaries of the modern age have profoundly supported and espoused, but Lyndon LaRouche was talking about this 50 years ago;

(8) he is against wholesale and systematic corruption within all 3 branches of the US government, having traced its economic and financial fount to the City of London and its UK proponents;

(9) he is against a biased and corrupted media, speaking out against its rapid consolidation so that it could better brainwash and mind-control the American people and the rest of the world into accepting the long-term enslavement visions of the global Oligarchs and Plutocratic feudal masters who lurk in the shadows;

(10) He is completely against the doctrines of Neo-Conservatism in our foreign policy, against useless stupid foreign wars, and routinely calls out people like US State Department Chief Victoria Nuland for destroying and sabotaging other sovereign foreign nations in their bloodlust and thirst for global hegemony at the expense of the world’s people, and only beneficial to its Oligarch masters;

(11) A return to the Bretton Woods system, including a gold-based national and world monetary system, fixed exchange rates, and ending the IMF;

(12) Replacement of the central bank system, including the U.S. Federal Reserve System, with a national bank;

(13) A war on drug trafficking and prosecution of banks involved in money laundering;

(14) Building of nuclear power plants;

(15) Opposition to excessive environmentalism, deregulation, outcome-based education, and abortion;

(16) Immediate reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act which separated private mom and pop checking/savings accounts from the risky “casino-like” investment habits/tactics of the major banks, the repeal of which in 1998 by then President Bill Clinton under pressure from Goldman Sachs/Treasury Secretaries/Economic Advisors Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Gene Sperling and others within the Central Banker cabal led directly to the financial cataclysm of 2008 wherein the American People were forced to bail out these reckless banks with their taxpayer dollars;

These are only a few of Lyndon LaRouche’s original and greatest original contributions to humanity for the past 50 years.

In December 1980, LaRouche and his followers started what came to be known as the “October Surprise” allegation, namely that in October 1980 Ronald Reagan’s campaign staff conspired with the Iranian government during the Iran hostage crisis to delay the release of 52 American hostages held in Iran, with the aim of helping Reagan win the 1980 presidential election against Jimmy Carter. The Iranians had agreed to this, according to the theory, in exchange for future weapons sales from the Reagan administration. The first publication of the story was in LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review on December 2, 1980, followed by his New Solidarity on September 2, 1983, alleging that Henry Kissinger, one of LaRouche’s regular targets, had met Iran’s Ayatollah Beheshti in Paris, according to Iranian sources in Paris. The theory was later echoed by former Iranian President Abulhassan Banisadr and former Naval intelligence officer and National Security Council member Gary Sick. This of course all led to the famous “Iran Contra Affair,” which resulted in several prosecutions and congressional inquiry into the “hidden hands” of backroom black market clandestine operations at the expense of the American people.

In 2002 LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review argued that the September 11, 2001, attacks had been an “inside job” and “attempted coup d’etat,” and that Iran was the first country to question it. The article received wide coverage in Iran, and was cited by senior Iranian government officials, including Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Hassan Rowhani. Mahmoud Alinejad writes that, in a subsequent telephone interview with the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, LaRouche said the attacks had been organized by rogue elements inside the U.S., aiming to use the incident to promote a war against Islam, and that Israel was a dictatorial regime prepared to commit Nazi-style crimes against the Palestinians.

There are countless thousands of anecdotes and pieces of essential and important trivia regarding this great man’s life, and it would be impossible to list them all here.

According to George Johnson, LaRouche sees history as a battle between Platonists (eg Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, and Leibniz) who believe in absolute truth, and Aristotelians (eg Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume) who rely on empirical data.

According to Lyndon LaRouche, industry, technology, and classical music should be used to enlighten the world, whereas psychotherapy, drugs, rock music, jazz, environmentalism, and quantum theory simply bring about a new dark age in which the world will be ruled by the oligarchs.

LaRouche and his ideas have been called anti-semitic since at least the mid-1970s by dozens of individuals and organizations in countries across Europe and North America. LaRouche and his followers have responded to these allegations by claiming that LaRouche has countless Jewish supporters in his inner circle, and has vociferously denied these allegations.

In 1977 LaRouche married his current wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is German and 27 years younger than him. Her 1984 book, “The Hitler Book” argues that “We need a movement that can finally free Germany from the control of the Versailles and Yalta treaties, thanks to which we have staggered from one catastrophe to another for an entire century.” Helga founded the Schiller Institute, which has been accused of antisemitism by the Berliner Zeitung and Political Research Associates, a non-profit research group that studies right wing, white supremacist, and militia groups.

LaRouche maintains that he is anti-Zionist, not anti-semitic. When the Anti-Defamation League accused LaRouche of anti-semitism in 1979, he filed a $26-million libel suit.

Lyndon LaRouche said in 2006 wrote that “religious and racial hatred, such as antisemitism, or hatred against Islam, or, hatred of Christians, is, on record of known history, the most evil expression of criminality to be seen on the planet today.”

Now that Donald Trump is President of the United States, perhaps Lyndon LaRouche will be allowed to emerge from forced exile, as his enemies have now been outed and routed, and he should take his rightful place amongst one of America’s greatest heroes, thinkers, philosophers, writers, lovers of humanity and the United States of America.

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.

Ranked amongst Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013.

Comment:  Our media is run by the ZIONIST Criminals so they Do LIE.

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