Every Drug Addict Has a Story To Tell Usually Very Traumatic

1,696,087 views Jul 6, 2024 MIAMI

Interview with Sije, a young homeless drug addict living on the streets of Overtown, Miami.

Updated on August 13th, 2024 Hello everyone, I have an update on Sije from August 7th, 2024. I apologize for not writing this sooner, I fractured my elbow that same night and have been one-handed. Fracturing my elbow actually turned out to be a blessing. I was in the area looking for Sije and was unable to locate her. Until I fell and had to sit down for awhile and about 5 minutes later Sije biked right by me! We began talking about the video almost immediately. She was aware that it had over 1M views at this point and tons of positive comments. She told me that she is starting to feel hope that there might be enough help out there to change her situation. I assured her that if she is ready we can definitely help her get out of this. I told her the first step is treatment and asked her if she is ready to enter one. There is still some slight hesitation there. She mentioned hating the fact that she was wasting her 30’s. I told her that it’s never too late and that her story has already touched so many people and that her survival can make a huge difference in this world. I then went with her to where she was going to be spending the night, which was a vacant field under some trees (and before anyone asks why I didn’t buy her a hotel room, this is where she wanted to stay). Prior to this I also offered to take her to get something to eat but she was not hungry at the moment and had something to eat in her bag. I did get her some pepper spray so she has something to defend herself with which I gave to her. I sat with her for an hour or so and just talked. She showed me her snail terrarium that she keeps with her which was really fascinating. Snails are her favorite animal. Eventually someone she knew from the area showed up who was going to stay there with her. Before leaving I gave her my number again and told her that I hope these will be the last times she will be on the streets and that I will continue to check in on her as time goes on and that I am here for her when she is ready. I also reminded her that she has friends and people who have connected with her story who want to help her as well. I can see that she wants to get out of her lifestyle and make a change. But that she is still conflicted. I will continue to encourage her when I see her and help her with what I can. She agreed to an update video in the future as well. In the meantime I left her with a disposable camera to take pictures with. Maybe we can do a video about her photos too. I will write another update as soon as I have one. Thank you all again for your positivity, encouragement and support. ———————————————- Hello everyone, I have two updates for those who are interested. The first being an update on CG (Sije), and the second being an update on a GoFundMe to help make a bigger difference. Update 1: First of all I want to thank you all for the overwhelming positivity and support for CG (Sije). I see many of you have connected with her story and want to help in some way. I saw her last night (July 13th, 2024) and spent about an hour with her. We went to Publix (local supermarket) to get her some food and other items she needed. After, we talked for awhile about the positive reception of her video and about her friends who reached out. This put a big smile on her face and she is very grateful to know so many people care. We then discussed her current situation. She was not ready to make a change at that time. I will continue to encourage her towards sobriety the best I can and to continue to help with meals, clothes and other things she may need when I see her. SHE DID RECEIVE THE RADIO which she was very excited about. She also agreed to an update video in the coming weeks. I will keep everyone updated! Update 2: I have launched a GoFundMe for the general mission of my channel. This is something that I have been hesitant on until I realized how many people want to help through the comments on this video. As of now everything that I do to help is funded from my full time day job. I go out on the weekends to meet people struggling and to catch up with others from my channel. During these trips I am usually purchasing multiple meals, clothes, medicines and other humanitarian items. I know many of you want a GoFundMe for CG specifically. The day she commits to treatment I will set that up to help her get on her feet. For now, you can write a message on your donation if you want to buy a meal or something for a specific person. I will allocate that donation to that purpose. All other donations to the overall channel mission will all go back to helping the people I meet. I may even upgrade my microphone if there is enough for that, I’ve seen some audio complaints. GoFundMe Link: https://gofund.me/ac62a8b9 If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please respond to this comment and I will answer. My name is Eric and I am very grateful for all of you 🤍

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