Black Eyed Children Are CIA Sex Slaves! CIA Has Been Using Child Sex Slaves For Decades

Have any of you ever heard or stories of the black eyed children that would show up at peoples doors in the middle of the night? This is actually true, those children were doped up on a drug known as adrenochrome, they were sent there by the CIA who wanted to compromise a person, they would lactate somebody they believed was into kids and try to get them to take the kids in and molest them and then bust them, I know because I was used like this when I was a kid, I only recall one instance of them using me this way but this is what was behind those stories, they took place in the 70s and probably into the 80s.

Another one:


Thanks for the memories : the truth has set me free! : the memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave : used as a presidential sex toy and personal ‘mind-file’ computer.

Thanks for the memories : the truth has set me free! : the memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind-controlled slave : used as a presidential sex toy and personal 'mind-file' computer

“This amazing autobiographical account … reveals the hidden purpose behind … ritual abuse and mind control … It centers around … memories of being conditioned through childhood in order to be used by Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger as a mind-controlled slave into adulthood and used as a presidential sex toy and personal ‘mind file’ computer by many to further the agenda of the New World Order”–Back cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-311).

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