Anti-German & Anti-Japanese Hate Pieces Courtesy of the CIA Controlled Media



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Mass Murderous Anti-German Hatred By Mike King

*** Blast From the Past *** JANUARY 17, 1943 NY Times: “We Shall Hate, or We Shall Fail” If we do not hate the Germans now, says Rex Stout, we shall fail in our effort to establish a lasting peace.

Thanks to the support of donors and subscribers (hint, hint), our paid access to the complete archives of old New York Times issues dating back over 120 years allows the one-man research team of RN&H /ANYT to constantly dig up old forgotten gems. Some of these items are a great contextual supplement to our reporting of current events..In the Sunday, January 17, 1943 issue of Sulzberger’s Slimes, the “paper of record” — soon after American troops had first engaged the Germans in North Africa — ran a lengthy anti-German hate piece that was so extreme in its ferocity that many readers complained about it. The author was detective novelist Rex Stout — a Communist through and through — (though of course, he denied it). Stout had been active in the Marxist ACLU since 1925 and, after the war, also became involved with the openly pro-world government United World Federalists..A few months after Franklin Demono Rosenfeld had deceived America into the war, Stout was tapped to chair the “Writers’ War Board” — a wartime propaganda initiative launched at the request of Treasury Department — which was headed by the notorious genocidalist, Henry Morgenthau Jr. (cough cough). By the 1960s, Stout “converted” to “anti-Communism” — which, for many Globalists, served as a cover for anti-Russianism..So that’s the back story of the ugly and shocking propaganda incitement piece titled, “We Shall Hate, or We Shall Fail.” Key excerpts to follow, and link to pdf of full article at the end.
1. Red Rex Stout organized prominent writers to hatefully propagandize the normies. // 2. The effort was the brainchild of the murderous Henry Morgenthau Jr. (who wanted to depopulate Germany after the war) // 3. The Captain America “Super Hero” comic book was launched in March, 1941. The first cover depicts Captain A. knocking out Hitler. This was 9 months BEFORE Pearl Harbor and US entry into the war. During the war, the Writers’ Board coordinated propaganda efforts with Jewish comic writers like Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Martin Goodman & Stan Lee.
Hack journalist William Shirer was also a member of the Writers’ War Board. After the war, the Council on Foreign Relations gave him a grant to write the “definitive history of Nazi Germany.” Shirer’s laughably non-objective and error-filled “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” was puffed-up into an all-time “classic.”
How about that for some serious “hate speech,” eh? Ah, show us the shekels, Mr. Stout. Show us the shekels!
To close, we present some heart-breaking images which can properly be described as the inevitable fruits of the Satanic “hatred” of good and innocent people which was incited and justified by Stout, and his Jewish master, Morgenthau — and dutifully printed by the Jewish “paper of record.” ********* full pdf of 1943 article
1. Dresden Firebombing, 1945: 100s of 1000s HATEFULLY burned alive or suffocated on “Ash Wednesday.” // 2. Post War: HATEFUL mass lynchings of German officers and government officials // 3. German woman HATEFULLY raped and beaten.
1. Millions of civilians terrorized and traumatized by HATEFUL Allied carpet bombing of their neighborhoods. // 2. German POWs HATEFULLY beaten and tortured with impunity by Jewish-American interrogators. // 3. Doomed POWs herded into exposed pens and HATEFULLY placed on starvation rations and killed by neglect.
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