“CIA” Played a HUGE Role in This…& Defense Dept. Ron Johnson Wisconsin Senator Lays it Out

CIA Financed Eco Health Alliance to the Tune of $53 MILLION.  Dept. of Defense financed this to the tune of $42 Million.  Between the CIA & DOD they financed this to the tune of $95 Million!!!!!  Fauci financed to the tune of $14 Million.  They are ALL GUILTY.  They Should all go to jail and be vaxxed with these vaxxes.  All Criminals.  Clearly they are all Criminals.  I love Senator Johnson bringing these agencies and numbers to light.  No One else has the courage.  Evidently, CIA does not have compromising videos on Senator Trump.  He is also pointing Out Bill Gates insanity in wanting to vaccinate everybody.  Bill Gates is a Virulent Psychopath and a Sadistic one at that.  He should get the death penalty.


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