Who Runs the Music Industry? One Man?


I personally believe the guy masquerading as the creative control of the music industry is an imposter and believe the real guy is a CIA MKULTRA they want to keep covered up below.


Comment:  Randy Turner a former Mind Controlled Assassin claims he has written, produced, and worked with many of these same artists.  Since the CIA has classified, destroyed and sealed all the records of his Mind Control he cannot prove it but it is now well Known the CIA’s criminal involvement in Mind Control.  Being Randy had musical talent at a young age the criminals in Hollywood found they could make a fortune off of his talent without paying him.  Mind Control is SLAVERY and Randy was a slave for about 38 years.  He was sold into slavery by his parents who were also paid a fortune by Jon Voight.  The CIA controls Hollywood and they do not want Mind Control Slavery to be exposed because then people will all realize what a bunch of criminals and traitors they are working for the British Empire Against U.S. interests.

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