These Cabal Members (Satanic British Empire) Get Filthy Rich the Rest of Us Work For Minimum Wage?

May be an image of 8 people, money and text that says 'Wealth of Elon Musk 2012: $2,000,000,000 2022: $273,600,000,000 Wealth of Jeff Bezos 2012: $18,400,000,000 2022: $181,300,000,000 Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg 2012: :$17,500,000,000 2022: $76,800,000,000 U.S. Minimum Wage 2012: $7.25 2022: $7.25 THREE WORDS: TAX THE RICH.'

They pay almost NO TAXES as Well! Minimum wage people often pay 3-4 taxes as well.  It is a rigged system favoring wealthy Jewish Mafia members or Satanic Cabal devoted to the Satanic British Empire.

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