Activism! Stop the Coup Against Trump! The Crash is Coming-Time to Rebuild the Country!

Stop the coup against the President

Patricia J, This email includes two short videos, totaling about 19 minutes altogether, which we think will inspire you. One of them, a little over 11 minutes, rounds up the criminal conspiracy against President Trump, in the words of two of the key conspirators, James Comey and James Clapper. It includes a petition, for your signature, telling your Congressman or Senator to suck it up, move on, start rebuilding this country on the basis of the American System of political economy. A national movement mobilized around the ideas in this petition and determined to get its way, can and will stop the coup.

The second video, in a little over 7 minutes, introduces you to what the rest of the world is doing as the media and the coup plotters work to keep that from you, to keep you swimming in a reactive, confined fishbowl, hoping that cultural pessimism will constrain you to helpless anger. It was filmed before China’s historic May, 2017 Belt and Road conference in which Helga Zepp LaRouche participated as an honored guest and which did feature participation of a delegation from the United States for the first time. Since then, the project has progressed at an astounding rate. You see, outside the United States, the dinosaur financial elites have already lost their power.

We are finding when we talk to people in the U.S., even in Clinton country, that the coup plotting criminals can be defeated here too and rapidly. The tide is turning, people are fed up with the coup. When we tell them that China, Russia, Japan, and 68 other countries are now participating in this world-wide infrastructure building project, the likes of which the world has never seen before, their spirits are revived.

Imagine high speed rail taking you as if in an instant between major cities which have been rebuilt or are completely new. Imagine wars ending as great powers collaborate to lift up those who have suffered from underdevelopment for so long. Imagine harvesting helium 3 on the moon to create fusion power on earth, an endless and powerful renewable form of energy which can move mountains and turn rock into valuable ore. When we open this door to people the hope that follows is infectious: let’s do this, let’s think big and bold again. It is that daring optimism which will turn the tide.

Please post these videos to your Facebook Page or other social media and share them widely. Help us organize to isolate and prosecute the coup plotters and bring the Belt and Road project and its optimistic, creative, and very human identity to the United States.

Thank you for your continued support, Editorial Staff

Stop the coup against the President
Patricia J, This email includes two short videos, totaling about 19 minutes altogether, which we think will inspire you. One of them, a little over 11 minutes, rounds up the criminal conspiracy against President Trump, in the words of two of the key conspirators, James Comey and James Clapper. It includes a petition, for your signature, telling your Congressman or Senator to suck it up, move on, start rebuilding this country on the basis of the American System of political economy. A national movement mobilized around the ideas in this petition and determined to get its way, can and will stop the coup.
Sign our petition: Congress, Suck it up & Move On—It’s time to Rebuild the Country
The second video, in a little over 7 minutes, introduces you to what the rest of the world is doing as the media and the coup plotters work to keep that from you, to keep you swimming in a reactive, confined fishbowl, hoping that cultural pessimism will constrain you to helpless anger. It was filmed before China’s historic May, 2017 Belt and Road conference in which Helga Zepp LaRouche participated as an honored guest and which did feature participation of a delegation from the United States for the first time. Since then, the project has progressed at an astounding rate. You see, outside the United States, the dinosaur financial elites have already lost their power.
We are finding when we talk to people in the U.S., even in Clinton country, that the coup plotting criminals can be defeated here too and rapidly. The tide is turning, people are fed up with the coup. When we tell them that China, Russia, Japan, and 68 other countries are now participating in this world-wide infrastructure building project, the likes of which the world has never seen before, their spirits are revived.
Imagine high speed rail taking you as if in an instant between major cities which have been rebuilt or are completely new. Imagine wars ending as great powers collaborate to lift up those who have suffered from underdevelopment for so long. Imagine harvesting helium 3 on the moon to create fusion power on earth, an endless and powerful renewable form of energy which can move mountains and turn rock into valuable ore. When we open this door to people the hope that follows is infectious: let’s do this, let’s think big and bold again. It is that daring optimism which will turn the tide.
Please post these videos to your Facebook Page or other social media and share them widely. Help us organize to isolate and prosecute the coup plotters and bring the Belt and Road project and its optimistic, creative, and very human identity to the United States.
Thank you for your continued support, Editorial Staff


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