When your child is born in a hospital, the state and the corporations take notice, while they make it easy, so there is a birth certificate, with the possible issuance of a social security number, and some states even provide criminal penalties for the refusal to record the birth of your child.


The state is all about recording births, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which attacks Americans, makes no effort to record missing children, so Special Agent Ted Gunderson wrote,

The FBI has an accurate count of the number of automobiles stolen every year.  It knows the number of homicides, rapes, and robberies, but the FBI has no idea of the number of children who disappear every year.

They simply do not ask for the statistics.

Every month, every major police department in the United States files its uniform crime statistics with the FBI.  It would be simple for the bureau to add one more column to the statistics and get a breakdown of every reported case of missing children–not to even mention children who are kidnapped for ritualistic purposes, and, in some cases, murdered.

I am convinced that the FBI does not ask for these statistics because they do not want to see them.  They would be confronted with an instant public outcry for action, because the figures would show a major social problem.

In the Domesday Book, births were recorded under a similarly repressive system, to collect taxes, and to manage dissent, almost one thousand years ago, when my people conquered England.


But the recordation of births, for a long time, depended on infant baptism, which the Anabaptists rejected as part of the Protestant Reformation.


They had their own problems, but, at least they knew to fight against the obscene dictates of a criminal church and a criminal government, while their migration to our shores gave birth to the religious freedoms that we have in America.


The historical rejection of infant baptism was not merely a religious position, any more than the Puritans’ opposition to the ongoing presence of the Roman Catholic Church, in England, was merely a religious position.


But, in both cases, religion was used as part of a larger criminal enterprize, while real Protestants rejected the state powers that went, hand in hand, with the Lutherans, the Episcopalians, and the Catholics.


Today the hospital is used not merely for other criminal activity, and to record births, while they drain your bank account, so the insurance companies, along with the pharmaceutical companies, can make trillions, because you fear death, just as imbeciles baptized their children through their perverted religions, their ignorant superstitions, and their fear of death.


It is used to push vaccines, which cause death and autism, not to mention who knows what, because of the operation on a new set of conformists of a whole new set of perverted religions, ignorant superstitions, and an ongoing fear of death.


And, yet, after all this, after many were killed over the issue of infant baptism, we never saw the birth certificate of our supposed president, the half-white war monger, who won the Nobel Prize for the color of his skin, Barack Hussein Obama II, while the Deep State continues to oppose “birtherism.”


And we might do well to remember that the entire religion of Christianity begins with the travelling of Mary and Joseph, and the birth of their baby, in response to the requirement that a census be carried out by the Roman Empire.


That was the political force, combined with the religious authorities, and the banks, that tortured, gang-raped, and killed Jesus, under legal auspices, while it later built a religion around the destruction of a revolutionary movement that was started by the same Jewish Rabbi.


But, leaving such questions aside, we can see that the same fears, perversions, and conformity operate, in the old globalist religions of Christianity, as in the the new globalist religions of Big Pharma, while the hospital promises a different form of immortality.


And it is just as much a lie as the obscene religions.


Do not go to the hospital.


Do not vaccinate your baby.


And think twice before you register a birth.


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