Chinese Sanctions are Now Destroying the U.S. Dollar? DeDollarization By All Countries IS-Think Rothschild’s Did This By Over Printing

Comment:  The bottom line is nobody wants to deal with someone who is not to be trusted.  Especially not with their money!  No one Trusts the U.S. after the U.S. illegally confiscated $300 BILLION of Russia’s money.  The Real problem is the U.S. trusted in their Satanic Banksters the Rothschilds who run the Private Federal Reserve.

Greeting from Japan. We are the largest foreign holder of US Treasury securities. We are a country that treasures honor and integrity above anything else, something this US administration severely lacks.
 @anneroy4560  Let’s talk about your ICE officer who tortured an illegally held Canadian last week. Japan has taken honourable responsibility for missteps in the past. The US has never done anything but brag about American exceptionalism. There are very good reasons why the world is turning its back on the US. If Japan and other debt holders choose to pull the financial rug out from beneath the rapidly crumbling empire of the USA? It couldn’t happen to a more deserving nation. Pot and kettle, sweetie.

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