Walter Cronkite — “The Most Trusted Man in America” — was an Evil Globalist



Walter Cronkite — “The Most Trusted Man in America” — was an Evil Globalist

Long before the days of the Internet and even cable news and conservative talk radio, the captive subjects in America’s living rooms had only two choices for TV Nightly News. They were NBC’s Huntley-Brinkley Report (later replaced by John Chancellor) and CBS News, anchored by the legendary Walter Cronkite (ABC’s audience was marginal until the 1980s). . Cronkite’s hypnotic 19-year spell on America began in 1962. Several years after being the first to break the somber news of the “lone gunman” (rolling eyes) assassination of JFK in 1963, Cronkite surpassed NBC. He became especially popular during the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 “moon landing” missions (rolling eyes), which he co-hosted with former astronaut Wally Schirra. So convincing was “Uncle Walter” in his role as “objective” straight-shooting and oh-so-serious newsman, that many speculated that he may have been a Republican! But the reality was that the man tagged by his handlers as “the most trusted man in America” was a radical Marxist One Worlder who understood that, in those days of relative conservatism and patriotism, dosages of Red Poison had to be administered in low milligrams, until the masses could be conditioned to the stronger stuff of more recent decades. . Let’s have a closer look at this important Fake News operative who, had he been a network anchor in this day and age of alternative news sources and viral citizen journalism via the Internet, would not be able to get away with being mass-marketed as the “consummate professional” and an objective journalist.
1. Cronkite puts on the somber act as he announces the death of JFK (who was killed by the same Cabal which made Cronkite) // 2. “The most trusted man in America” sold the alleged moon landing. // 3. Receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom from fellow Globalist criminal, President Jimmy Carter in 1981.
Cronkite was Made by Deep State Edward R. Murrow . In Kansas City, Cronkite joined the United Press International in 1937. When World War II came, he received a job offer from Edward R. Murrow at CBS News to join the “Murrow Boys” team of war correspondents. As the head of the Moscow bureau, Cronkite was very chummy with Stalin’s henchmen — our “allies.” After the war, Cronkite obediently covered the disgusting Nuremberg Tribunals which resulted in the lynching of innocent German leaders. . In 1950, Cronkite, once again recruited by Marxist Murrow, joined CBS News in its fast-growing television division. Murrow, as those of you who have read my book on the great Senator Joseph McCarthy would know, was an obvious commie-lover who later became a vicious adversary of McCarthy. The fact that the college dropout who would later become “the most trusted man in America” was discovered and promoted by one with such manifest Red credentials as Murrow’s should have alarmed the more astute among Republican / conservative viewers. But it was hard to be astute in those days when one was essentially forced to rely upon Yellow Press newspapers and TV Network News — although there were still some independent newspapers and conservative publications. . Cronkite Caused America to Lose the Vietnam War . In January of 1968, Communist North Vietnam launched multiple surprise attacks against American positions in what was known as the Tet Offensive. The offensive was a disastrous failure for the Communists as their Red Viet Cong guerillas in South Vietnam were crushed. But the Globalist media — which, just a few years earlier — had deceived America into this unnecessary war in the first place — portrayed Tet as a setback! It was Cronkite (a member of the Globalist Council on Foreign Relations) who led the treasonous “rug pull” of the US military. In his gloomy and false report — delivered with that somber showmanship he was so good at — “the most trusted man in America” delivered his poison to the scores of millions who worshipped him: .“We have been disappointed by the optimism of American leaders to have faith any longer in the silver linings they find in the darkest clouds. To say that we are mired in a stalemate seems the only realistic conclusion. It seems increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out will be to negotiate.” .Cronkite’s deceitful “Black Pill” betrayal of America’s military turned public opinion, and eventually put the United States on a losing course at a time when the Reds had just suffered a devastating setback. The US was only supposed to enter the war — not win it! Years later, South Vietnam would ultimately fall, along with Cambodia.
The odious traitor Edward R. Murrow (center image) made Cronkite — first as a World War II correspondent, and then as a reporter at CBS — from which he would go to become the anchorman for the CBS Nightly News and a manufactured American “legend.”
While Stars & Stripes honestly reported on the great success of Tet, Cronkite’s false “Black Pill” report served to demoralize the nation (similar to the “stab-in-the-back” which doomed Germany in 1918) at a moment in time when the war should have been won.
Cronkite Kicked Off the Marxist Environmental Movement.1970: The first “Earth Day” marked an important turning point for modern “environmentalism.” Up to 20 million gullible Americans participated as colleges organized protests against “the degradation of the Global environment.” The wall-to-wall media coverage of Earth Day was led by “the most trusted man in America” — who hosted a prime-time CBS Special with the scary and silly title: “Earth Day: A Question of Survival.” For added drama, breathless correspondents reported live to Cronkite, from this or that city, about the “historic events.” . As any good NWO “conspiracy theorist” knows, the modern Environmentalist Movement’s true purpose has always been to use phony Global “crises” as pretexts to: . * Raise Global taxes, including “carbon taxes” * Erode national sovereignty* Empower the UN * Control private industry and individuals * Promote “One Worldism” * Prevent energy independence * Artificially depress living standards* Prevent poor nations from developing, keep them dependent on the US & UN for aid.. Cronkite’s telethon was a defining moment in this subversive effort. In years to come, Globalists would recruit greedy scientists to concoct false theories such as “Global Warming” — the proposed “solutions” to the non-existent problems always, “coincidentally,” aligning PERFECTLY with the political objectives of The New World Order control freaks. . Cronkite Openly Advocates for One World Government . October 1999: By now long-retired, Cronkite’s treasonous persona was confirmed when the World Federalist Association awarded him the “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.” After being saluted via a video-feed by First Lady Killary Rotten Clinton (also of the CFR), “the most trusted man in America” showed his true face to his fellow Satanic Globalists: .“For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience. Now, however, my circumstances are different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And that is what I propose to do. We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government.” . “Pat Robertson wrote that any attempt to achieve world order before that time (of the messiah) must be the work of the devil. Well, I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.” (laughter) .Of course, Fake News ignored Hilary Clinton’s congratulatory contribution to this subversive event, as well as Cronkite’s admission. (event video) . . So you see, boys and girls, “the most trusted man in America” was actually a traitor all along. In a world in which everything is upside down (the very essence of Satanism) — this is typical. . Addendum: This testimonial just in from a reader named “Deb” — . “Thank you for this article! I went to journalism school in the mid 90’s and we had a guest speaker who was a colleague of Cronkite’s. (Wish I could remember his name) A small group of us stayed after the presentation and he told us about the true Cronkite. He told us that if Cronkite did not agree with a story, he wouldn’t air it and told his colleagues that if he didn’t report it, then it didn’t happen. He censored the news routinely and the public had no clue. His colleague described him as an extreme liberal and dangerous to the integrity of journalism. It was a turning point and opened my eyes; I did not pursue a journalism career. No regrets.” ~ Deb
Cronkite does it again! The traitor of the Vietnam War heavily promoted the Globalist “Earth Day.” .
“The Most Trusted Man in America” turned out to have been a ‘One World’ agent all along — and Satanist Killary too, who gushed her congratulatiory remarks before him: “For more than a generation in America, it wasn’t the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news. Every night at 6 o”clock, we welcomed you into our living rooms and listened as you explained the complex events of the day.”
1. Commie Cronkite honored by the subsequent generation of Deep State Anchormen: Brian Williams (ABC) Dan Rather (CBS) & Tom Brokaw (NBC). The days when these multi-millionaire liars could captivate a nation with their sonorous voices are over. // 2. Q Post 3628. We are the news now.
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