QualifiedWhite Men With Multiple Degrees Graduating With Honors Face a Discriminatory Labor Market



Robert Ferrara
 13 days ago

Gee, you mean that Musk, like Trump, but is not the great White Hope that everyone said he was?

 13 days ago

If Indians are so highly skilled and advanced then why in their country can’t they figure out toilets?
Musk jumped out of South Africa as early as he could to come to America and succeed where everyone is too retarded to work? He should just have gone to India where everything is great.

 13 days ago

Musk is a techno-Commie Jew.

He’s currently playing his assigned phony public ‘anti-establishment’ role, while concurrently & purposefully advancing ZOG’s techno-Communist totalitarian program via electric cars, Neuralink, A.I. & Starlink satellites enveloping the planet. Now & then the Israel Overlords instruct him to say something ‘politically incorrect’ to deceive the moronic masses & prevent them from seeing through this Semitic subterfuge.

Last edited 13 days ago by Zard
 12 days ago

I’m repulsed at what is obviously a lifestyle rich in soy topped off with semaglutide injections.
One should take care to surround oneself with healthier friends.

Last edited 12 days ago by Firth
 12 days ago

Most white Americans are retarded and contemptible, not because they’re not fit for hiring but because they keep voting for the same traitorous trash and suicidal policies that are hell-bent on making them extinct. The writing on the wall has been visible for decades and is now in glowing neon but they refuse to leave the confines of their democratic bread and circuses hope schools. Someone said that once the food shortages start they’ll wake up but there’s still plenty of junk food and booze in the quicky marts and liquor stores – all run by pajeets no less. They’ll be circling the kosher toilet bowl content with the fact that at least they’re not speaking German.

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