One Hour 29 Minutes 39 Seconds…Listen Carefully. The Elite are GRIFTERS!!!!!

Grifters Definition:  grifters. A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there’s one type of person you don’t want to trust, it’s a grifter: someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, swindlers, and flim-flam men.

One hour 37 minutes and 37 seconds….Elon Musk got preferential treatment with a lot of huge gov’t subsidies;  without them he would be a nobody.  We, the taxpayers, are PAYING for Elon Musk!

Musk is the current favored Satanist of this Satanic Cabal.  Donald Drumpf Secret Society Member.

The British, Dutch & Belgium Sadistic Royals all belong to this evil club.  In a way I am more extreme in my views than infostormers.  I actually through 22 years of research see these mis-leaders as hard core Satanists.  You will not be a billionaire unless the Cabal has changed you into a little boy raping pedophile and they do this with drugs, hypnosis and all kinds of brainwashing….then the Cabal supplies the little boys to these freaks.  Why is it this way?  Because hard core Satanists:  Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Windsors (aka Saxe-Coburg-Gotha crowd) FUNDED Tavistock run by Gay butt fuckers to behaviorally change us all and run Social Agendas on the rest of us along with their Crazed Depopulation Agendas.  The Caucasians are now getting the Japanese Treatment.  The final solution will be for the Cabal to railroad the White nationalists into internment camps like they did the Japanese and then steal all their property as was well documented in “Supermob” by Gus Russo.  The U.S. is run by perverted Gay butt fuckers who like little boys but to advance you have to be into gay anal sex and Elon Musk is one of them.  You don’t get into the $20 Million Club without being into anal sex.  Nor do you make it into A List Hollywood or a Rap Star without Gay Anal Sex.  Period.

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