Forcing Concentration Camp Internees to Say the Pledge of Allegiance-the Abuse of Japanese Americans Convicted of No Crime Like Trump Supporters in Prison
Satan’s America forcing Concentration Camp Victims to say Pledge of Allegiance to the Satanic State of America a country of Hostile Racism, Media Deceit & Lies promoting Pedophiles as A Listers and CIA Prostitutes as Actresses. Guess Everybody is an enemy alien to Satan’s hostile America except for Baby Rapers, Drug Runners and Terrorists. Dis-Gus-ting!!!!!! U.S. is run by Racist Pricks who think they are better than everybody and hate everyone except the Synagogue of Satanists. The Same Media Promotes Addicts & Strumpets:
Juiced Up Jolie
British Empire loves this drug addict making her a Dame for representing them not the United States. Traitor.
Lively Losing Her Fans
Believe she is a honeypot for the CIA….can’t prove it of course but why else would she always get good press from CIA media like Angie? From what I have actually heard about Angie is that she is an EVIL person and yet gets such great press and made a hero like Kill Bill Gates did. He should be put to death for mass murdering so many with his vaccines! These people are all FAKES. The U.S. media are EVIL Too….blatant liars. All Hollywood stars have side jobs: prostitution, drug dealing and delivering, honeypot to compromise and blackmail someone for the CIA, etc. I imagine the conversation goes like this:
CIA: We need a compromise video on X. He’s not going along with our child Trafficking. We’ll get Blake to compromise him; then he’ll go along with us. Call Blake.
I do know O’Bama was one of the child prostitute-boy toys in the White House LONG Before he was president. His StepDad and Mom were both CIA and his Grandfather was Secret Society….All these celebs come from similar backgrounds. They are CIA prostitutes who are then promoted into A list positions paired with a mate who is usually GAY and promoted as a power couple by the CIA media. When you are a good prostitute for the CIA they reward you. Honestly I really can’t stand HW. What I have been told about the Celebs is how they smile in your face and try to put the knife in your back the next minute, they would slit their own grandmother’s throat for money & fame, they sleep with EVERYONE male and female including underage minors, they attend drug/sex orgies like PDiddy’s, some are criminals that should be in prison for murders; they are all Drug Addicts. I really can’t stand Celebs. There is actually more, much more but guess that is enough for now. They only promote Agendas for a Foreign Country (Israel) and Wars (For the British Empire/Israel) AGAINST American interests. They are all Psychopathic TRAITORS!!!!! Looks like Blake did some underhanded stuff too:
More than once I brought up how telling it was that nobody on set wanted anything to do with Baldoni, everyone unfollowed him on SM, and nobody was doing press with him. Got told that was because Blake and Ryan were too powefful, and blackmailed people to stay away from him.
Men continue to dissapoint me everyday, fork found in kitchen. However, it really saddens me to see some women supporting Baldoni because Blake is a ‘mean girl’ or whatever. Baldoni rlly tricked people with his ‘look at me, im so logical. I care about women’ act. Hes a disgusting POS
As others I have been fooled by the cleverly lead smear campaign. I highly recommend the podcast « who trolled Amer Heard ». The roots of the people behind the online accounts spreading hate are really interesting to say the least.
I still think Blake is (at least) deaf tone but now I know Baldoni is trash as well. Honestly, I think celebs lives in our daily feminists struggles don’t matter. Hollywood reality couldn’t be further from us, the 1% and this social bubble filled with narcissists, megalomaniacs,…
Even if a 1/10 of the lawsuit Blake Lively filled is true, it’s awful . But let’s not forget that she’s not our friend either. She’s part of the very privileged, ultra rich, celebs. Not saying she deserved it, or that it makes it less traumatizing for her. She deserves justice. But honestly what I’m learning from all this, is that I hate the fact I took the bait so easily this summer. and I know it may appear controversial but for the future, I’d rather shit my attention to issues that are happening next to me, in my community or women who aren’t living in the privileged’s bubble. Like mothers who still have shared custody of their kids with a violent ex, afghans women not being allowed to speak to each others, girls under 16 being married (even in the US!) Like so many others celebs, I doubt Blake cared about women less lucky in the « social ladder ». Tbh, eat the rich. They pollute more in one year than we do in a lifetime and I think there’s something deeply wrong with a society that allows people to get that wealthy when there’s so many in needs.
Comment: There is something wrong with this society; it’s run by the Synagogue of Satan Maniacal Cabal. Only their members can become filthy rich at the expense of the rest of us who work our butts off and pay taxes. Their only interest in the rest of us is to make money off the rest of us buying their products. Period.