Very Interesting Interview With Dr. Shiva-ZIONISM IS RACISM!!!!!

I agree with Dr. Shiva that Trump is a CONMAN.  I will not be voting nor taking vaccines.  I don’t support Israhell.  Unfortunately, I do believe Dr. Shiva belongs to the Military Industrial Complex or the CIA b/c you Do Not Become a Billionaire unless you have these relationships.  Fact.  Trump had deep ties to the Intelligence Community since birth.  His father owned Massage parlors in the NW dating his employees while married to his wife and was a Freemason-Secret Society Member.  He also introduced Roy Cohn to The Donald.  Roy Cohn was a crooked sleazy lawyer who was also gay and abused young boys also running the Monarch sex slave boys to politicians to compromise them for the CIA.  LaRouche had previously written about this and exposed it before being railroaded into prison.  From an insider I was told Dr. Shiva made a deal with the Crime Families that run the United States and that that is the real reason his wife (Fran Drescher) left him…..think she had hopes of Real Change.  From my research All Billionaires use Sex Slaves and Exploit Smart Slaves for their inventions and to become more wealthy.  It is all about using , abusing, and stealing intellectual property to become a billionaire.  Donald Trump is no exception.  I do like what Shiva exposes in this revealing interview.  I can’t stand his endless swearing and I feel he is one of them while saying he isn’t.  LaRouche tried to build a bottoms up movement in America against these Crime Syndicate “Elite”.  His greater success was abroad as the BRICS countries have adopted LaRouche policies.  I believe the only way the ZIONIST Crime Syndicate will be defeated in America is through the BRICS countries as ALL our Politicians are owned by them.  If you don’t believe me listen to a Thomas Massie (KY) interview about Zionists’ ownership of Politicians.

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