Fake Kamala’s Fake Campaign is Surging

Rebuttal By

White Hat Productions which — as we have capably demonstrated time and time again, now controls “the paper of record” as well as the rest of the MSM — is throwing us a “curveball” here in the form of an unexpected and yet-to-be-deciphered plot twist. The buzz all of a sudden is how the Trump campaign is in disarray while Commiela Whoress is “surging” in the polls. But does anyone really believe that this incoherent communist harlot (her stand-in, that is) is now leading Commander Trump is “key swing states” — or anywhere else for that matter? . Apart from the impossibility of such polling data, there’s the fact that “Commiela,” like “Biden” is long gone — either having been executed or rotting in prison somewhere. So, not only would it be mathematically impossible for her to be “leading,” it is physically impossible as well! This development logically leads us “Anons” to the question: ‘What’s the Q / White Hat game here?” . Not having the actual script in hand, it is a pointless endeavor to attempt to forecast that which has already been determined. It’s sort of like predicting the outcome of a rigged professional wrestling match. What’s the point? Just let the drama play out. Nonetheless, speaking as a scene-by-scene film critic and not as a political prognosticator, it’s a fun parlor game to guess at how the movie ends.
Be not dismayed, boys and girls. The White Hats are engineering FAKE KamalaMania for their own purposes.
Q 4494 / June 22, 2020 Manipulated polls meant to ‘legitimize’ rigged election results?
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times that Kamala Harris is really surging now and that the Trump campaign is in disarray..Boobus Americanus 2: What a remarkable turn of events. I had thought for sure that Trump had this in the bag.*St. Sugar: You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, Boobuss! .Editor: Trump has actually started a “national conversation” about CGI / AI imagery.
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